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Here’s who wins in a fight between a gorilla and a hippo: Even though gorillas have an impressively strong bite and can cause serious damage, still they are no match…

Here’s whether a human can survive a fight with a tiger: Despite the slim chances, a human can survive a fight with a tiger if their luck is in their…

Here’s whether octopuses really make gardens: They make homes and shelters from shells and other objects they find. They built supportive structures around these shelters called gardens. These gardens aren’t…

Here’s who wins in a fight between a gorilla and a lion: Although the odds are in the gorilla’s favor due to its intelligence and strength, you can’t dismiss the…

Here’s why sharks and whales are not in rivers anymore: Some sharks and smaller whale species can be found in rivers, but the majority avoid them. Due to pollution, aquatic…

Here are the animals with the best eyesight: Each animal has a type of vision that satisfies its natural requirements to survive. Eagles have the best eyesight among birds. The…

Here’s what a mantis shrimp can do to a human and whether it can hurt them: A mantis shrimp’s powerful punch can hurt humans. A shrimp can land before a…

Here’s what the black lines in a shrimp are: The black lines in shrimps are part of the animal’s digestive system. They are also known as “sand veins,” which look…

Here’s whether a gorilla or a rhino would win in a fight: The rhino is much heavier, faster, and happier to fight than the gorilla. With its horn or lower…

Here’s whether the orca or so-called killer whale is a natural predator of the moose: Orcas occasionally eat moose. While both animals live in different habitats, there is a predator-prey…



Discover all about animals. From whether worms are insects to why lions are called the King of the Jungle.


Understand science in plain English. From Schrödinger’s Cat Experiment for Dummies to the Double Slit Experiment.


Explore all things astronomical.   From stars become supernovas next to the full moon’s name meanings.