How Do Stars Die?

How Do Stars Die in Simple Terms?

This is about how stars die. Stars die when their nuclear fuel runs out. So if you want to know all about star deaths, this is the article for you. Let’s get started! How Stars Die Throughout all human history, we gaze up at a beautiful canvas of thousands of stars.  In fact, these are a mere fraction of the stars in just our Milky Way galaxy alone.  Mythologies, artwork, games, and everything else include stars. But, have you ever wondered, “how do stars die?”  Actually, we only need to understand two simple things to learn about star death. Nuclear Energy – Pushing Out Deep inside every star, scorching heat and crushing density make for a seriously wild place. Even atomic particles do some funny things under such conditions. For instance, hydrogen atoms zip around so wildly, they smash into each other and combine to form heavier helium atoms. But, with all of this newly-gained extra energy, atoms feel unstable. And, they don’t like that.  Therefore, atoms now release extra energy to become stable once again. Finally, this released energy pushes outward from the star. Gravity – Pulling In Everything in our universe has mass.  In other words, everything is made of stuff.  Plus, the more stuff something is made of, the more gravity it has, or the more it can pull everything else in towards itself. For instance, gravity is why we have our Moon.  Earth’s large mass gives our planet strong gravity, which keeps the much less massive Moon locked in orbit. However, stars are on a whole new level. In fact, our Sun makes up over 99% of our entire solar system’s mass.  Seriously, think about that again. All planets, comets, asteroids, and everything else only make up less than one percent of the solar system.  The rest is our gigantic Sun.  Not to mention, our Sun is considered a rather average and unimpressively sized star. Because of this, stars have truly unimaginable gravity. They are able to hold large planets and even other stars in orbit with their powerful gravity.  Stars’ gravity is even strong enough to crash in, completely crushing itself. Then, why don’t all stars crush themselves instantly? Stars – a Perfect Balance As mentioned above, nuclear energy constantly pushes outward from a star. However, the stars’ powerful gravity is constantly trying to crush inward on itself. Ultimately, this inward-outward balance of gravity and energy is how all stars stay alive.  In fact, some stars will successfully hold this delicate balance for billions or even trillions of years. Even our Sun will keep itself balanced for another 5 billion years. But, eventually, atoms will no longer smash together to release nuclear energy.  Finally, stars will run out of nuclear fuel. In other words, they no longer push outward. However, gravity’s strong pull never stops.  Ultimately, without nuclear energy pushing out, nothing balances gravity anymore, and the star will come crashing in on itself. So now, the star dies. Several things may happen next, depending on various factors, like a star’s size. While we will not get into these in this article, they include: Turning into a black hole Becoming a neutron star Shrinking into a white dwarf star So How Do Stars Die? All stars have a truly poetic balance of pushing in and pushing out. Their strong nuclear energy pushes outward. Their own powerful gravity pushes inward. But, while stars maintain this balance for billions or trillions of years, it eventually stops. Ultimately, nuclear fuel runs out.  Finally, without anything stopping it, the star’s own gravity crashes in, crushing the star to death.

7 Layers of the Sun in Order Explained

7 Layers of the Sun in Order Explained

These are the 7 layers of the Sun in order. From the interior of the Sun to the corona layer. So if you want to understand all 7 layers of the Sun, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! 7 Layers of the Sun in Order Explained in Simple Terms Our Sun is a beautifully complex star: Keeping itself alive via nuclear fuel, the Sun is a vast system of layers and fascinating processes.  But, while complex, understanding the Sun, in general, is exciting and straightforward. To start, here’s an overview of the 7 layers of the sun: Let’s dive in and examine all the layers of the Sun in order. #1 Solar Core of the Sun First, let’s dive deep and explore the interior of the Sun. Three layers, a core, radiative zone, and convective zone, comprise the insides of our star. Deep within the Sun’s interior lies the core.  Initially, all the power, energy, and heat generated by the Sun is born here. In other words, the core is the Sun’s heart. Pressures and temperatures are at their highest levels within the core. In fact, the temperature at the core can reach a staggering 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.  Under such extreme conditions, atoms move so quickly and are squeezed so tightly that their nuclei are smashed together. But, instead of destroying each other, the two atoms combine to form heavier, more complex atoms.  In the case of our Sun, hydrogen is constantly fused into helium. This process, called nuclear fusion, is the lifeblood fuel of all stars. Finally, as the atoms combine, they release excess energy to remain stable. In the end, this excess energy will become the light and heat we experience here on Earth. Due to the massive size of our Sun, it creates tremendous gravity, constantly pushing inward on itself.  However, the core’s powerful nuclear fusion is constantly pushing outward.  Ultimately, the Sun stays alive in this delicate balance of inward gravity and outward nuclear energy. #2 Radiative Zone of the Sun Next, beyond the core lies the radiative zone. At this point, density, pressure, and the temperature gradually decrease. Now, the energy created from the core’s nuclear fusion is carried through the radiative zone. At this point, the energy is now in the form of electromagnetic radiation.  In other words, energy has become light, carried by photons, traveling outward towards the surface. Though not as dense as the core, the radiative zone remains extremely dense.  In fact, core-generated light takes around 100,000 years to bounce through the radiative zone. #3 Convective Zone of the Sun Finally, light energy reaches the outer-most layer of the Sun’s interior, the convective zone. Now, density becomes low enough for light to convert into heat. The newly-formed heat slowly cools as it rises toward the Sun’s surface.  Eventually, as it cools enough, it falls back down toward the radiative zone, heating up once more.  This rise-fall cycle, known as convection, continues repeatedly. As energy rises, cools, falls, and heats, it forms gigantic bubble patterns, known as convection cells.  We see a similar process happening in a pot of boiling water. As the water boils, rolling bubbles of hot water form like convection cells. #4 Exterior of the Sun Now, we can burst free and explore the Sun’s exterior. Three layers also comprise the Sun’s atmosphere:  Photosphere Chromosphere Corona #5 Photosphere of the Sun Greek for “light sphere,” the photosphere is the layer of the Sun that we are most familiar with, usually through pictures. Visible light first appears in the photosphere. Though unsafe to look at, the photosphere is where our human eyes see the Sun’s light and brightness.  Also, this layer is covered in skin-like granules caused by convection cells beneath.  In fact, these granules last only around eight minutes, causing the constantly changing surface patterns on the Sun. Temperatures in the lower photosphere are around 11,000º F, whereas temperatures near the top stay around 6,700º F. Also, sunspots occur within the Sun’s photosphere. Appearing as darker regions, sunspots last for several days, maintaining temperatures 3,600º F lower than their surroundings.  In fact, a sunspot’s center is thousands of times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field. #6 Chromosphere of the Sun Next, beyond the photosphere lies the chromosphere. This complex layer extends outward for over 3,000 miles. Now, temperatures in the Sun’s chromosphere suddenly jump from 10,000º F to around 36,000º F.  At temperatures, this high, hydrogen atoms radiate as rich red colors. Therefore, the red emissions give this layer its name, Greek for “color sphere.” The chromosphere appears faint against the bright photosphere background.  Typically, to visually see this layer and its activity, special equipment is required.  Using solar telescopes and spectrographs, for instance, can reveal features such as dark filaments, magnetic field lines, and more. However, such advanced equipment can be both expensive and complicated to use.  But, with simple and inexpensive eyeglasses, anybody can view the chromosphere during partial and total solar eclipses. #7 Corona of the Sun Finally, we reach the Sun’s corona, Latin for “crown.”  Similar to the chromosphere, the elusive corona is most often visible during an eclipse. This layer appears as a white crown around the Sun, which is actually hot plasma. Strangely, temperatures in the corona swell to nearly 2 million degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, elements like hydrogen and helium are stripped of their electrons, leaving a bare nucleus.  Only much heavier elements, like iron, are capable of staying intact.  Ultimately, the energy from the stripped electrons causes the staggering temperatures in the corona. However, the corona provides several fascinating and interesting features. For instance, large spikes of plasma, called streamers, shoot far out from the Sun. Plasma trapped by the Sun’s magnetic fields creates the spike shapes. Perhaps most notable, the corona is ultimately responsible for our aurora borealis on Earth.  As charged particles flow outward from the corona, they travel far into space. In fact, the winds carry far beyond Neptune and even Pluto.  And, as some of the powerful solar winds hit Earth’s atmosphere, they interact with …

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Are Humans Really Made of Stars?

Are Humans Really Made of Stars?

This is about that humans are made out of stars. It’s all from collapsing stars. So if you want to learn how it comes that humans are made of star stuff, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get right into it! All Humans Are Made Out of Stars The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. Carl Sagan Carl Sagan was, as always, correct. We, humans, are all made from stars.  That may sound like a pop music lyric or something a hippie would say, but it’s absolutely true.  Here’s the logic: #1 Star Fuel Stars’ (like our sun) run on fuel, just like our cars run on gasoline.  Star fuel is made by combining atoms. The extremely hot temperatures inside of a star make atoms move around very wildly and quickly.  The atoms move so quickly that they smash into each other and combine to form heavier elements. This process is called nuclear fusion.  Hydrogen atoms combine to form Helium atoms, Helium atoms combine to form Lithium, and so on.  Now, when our cars run out of gas, they simply stop moving. But, when a star runs out of fuel, it can no longer fight its own powerful gravity and collapse on itself.  The star’s outer shell collapses in on its core, and it explodes violently. We call this a Supernova. #2 Spread Out When this explosion happens, most of the elements that the star has created are blown out into the atmosphere.  All of these random elements spread out aimlessly in all directions and become things like planets, or galaxies, or … people. You see, since the very beginning of the universe, stars have been continually born, died, and reborn again. This endless cycle is what created everything we know in our universe.  And, since stars have been around for over 13 billion years, compared to humans’ 200 thousand year existence, they are like our ancestors. The next time you gaze up into the night sky, just think, one of those stars you see might have produced the elements that your body is made of.  You are, indeed, made of star-stuff.

Star Twins: Are All Stars Born in Pairs?

Star Twins: Are All Stars Born in Pairs?

This is whether all stars are born in pairs. If so, where’s the Sun’s twin? So if you want to know all about the theory that all stars have a twin star, then you’re in the right place. Without further ado, let’s do this! How Stars Are Born Every star forms deep in a molecular cloud.  Basically, areas of the cloud begin collecting more and more mass, causing incredibly dense lumps.  Ultimately, overpowered by its own newfound mass, gravity, and density, it collapses, and nuclear fusion ignites.  Now, stars, like our own Sun, are born! Are All Stars Born With a Twin? UC Berkley and Harvard evidence paints an unexpected new storyline in star birth.  Fully understanding stellar birth proves difficult, as only radio telescopes can see through thick molecular clouds.  Astronomers did just that, using the Very Large Array (VLA) to gaze deep into a molecular cloud in Perseus.  Using the resulting data, the team examined infant stars inside, like eggs. Surprisingly, the astronomers found that essentially all binary stars were only a few hundred thousand years old (the equivalent of an infant newborn in human terms).  Plus, most older stars were single.  Finally, older stars still in binary systems were found extremely close together. Great, what does this mean? Indeed, this indicates that nearly all stars are born with a twin, only to be separated at very early ages, hence the single elders.  Furthermore, this shows that older, more developed stars that remain binary pairs likely result from being pushed close together, permanently locked in one another’s gravity. If All Stars Are Born in Pairs, Where’s the Sun’s Twin? Naturally, this raises the question, “where is our twin, then?”  Our Sun likely had a twin sister, separated soon after the twins’ birth.  Now, our sibling is likely somewhere else entirely in our Milky Way galaxy. Occasionally, we experience such large-scale, almost poetic gestures from the universe.  Almost similar to emotional or biological experiences felt at our human level. But, these universal vulnerabilities remind we are interconnected with Nature.

Where Is the Star of Bethlehem Today?

Where Is the Star of Bethlehem Today?

This is about the Star of Bethlehem. You’re probably not going to see the Star of Bethlehem today, here’s why. So if you want to learn all about the Star of Bethlehem in regard to astronomy, then you’re at the right place. Let’s get started! The Star of Bethlehem and Astronomy Christmas time is a time for family, togetherness, and long-held traditions.  Plus, many spend this season reflecting on the tales told in the Bible.  Perhaps, most infamous of all is that of the “three wise men,” embarking on a journey to find a newborn king, guided by a bright star.  Infamously, the Star of Bethlehem.  But, what was the Star of Bethlehem? Who Were the Three Wise Men? In biblical times, the three wise men, or three kings, were widely-known astronomers, called Magi.  Hailing from Babylon, the Magi read stars and interpreted the meanings of cosmic events. Furthermore, any unusual cosmic event was revered as an omen during these times. Therefore, an abnormally bright star in the eastern sky would have been of the utmost importance. In fact, in the Bible, the wise men “saw something when they were in their own country [Babylon], so they traveled to Jerusalem and had a word with King Herod.”  In other words, the wise men informed King Herod of the prophecy of a newborn ruler, Jesus. Ultimately, this biblical excerpt by Matthew has been the point of a long-running debate.  What had the wise men see?  How could a star in the east have possibly guided the wise men south?  Surprisingly, there exists a rather accurate answer. The Importance of Ancient Astronomy “In the east,” as mentioned by Matthew, is a literal translation of an ancient Greek astronomy phrase, “en te anatole.”  Actually, this phrase refers specifically to planets rising on the eastern horizon just before sunrise.  First, the planet appears while rising.  Next, it is lost in the rising Sun’s glare.  Finally, when the planet strays far enough from the Sun, it again reappears. The Importance of Ancient Astrology Astrology played a significant role in ancient cultures.  In fact, this is especially true during biblical times.  Movements and alignments of stars and planets served as important prophecies, both good and evil. As mentioned above, the first reappearance of a planet previously lost to the Sun’s glare is an important astrological event.  Known as a heliacal rising, planetary reappearances were powerful symbols for those born on such days. Ultimately, certain combinations of planets rising, alignments, and other events would have symbolized an important royal birth. Therefore, such risings and alignments may not have physically guided the wise men. Instead, a “star in the east” would have informed them that “the time had come.” What Does the Star of Bethlehem Look Like? Today, many scholars believe the wise men were, in fact, very wise in astronomy, mathematics, and more.  Not to mention, they were well aware of the old testament’s prophecy of a new king.  In fact, the Magi likely observed the heavens for decades, eagerly awaiting the new king’s arrival. Astronomically, during the time of the wise men’s journey, as described by Matthew, Jupiter would have reappeared in the morning, in its heliacal rising.  Later, around noon, Jupiter would have been occulted by the Moon.  In occultation, the Moon would have temporarily hidden or masked Jupiter. Finally, believed to have started in April, this chain of stunning cosmic events would have continued through late December.  At this point, Jupiter would have appeared to freeze briefly in the sky before moving back westward.  Naturally, the Earth’s orbit against the starry background caused such a visual phenomenon.  Perhaps, it was Jupiter’s temporary stop that caused the object to appear frozen over Bethlehem?

10 Fascinating Facts About Polaris.

10 Fascinating Facts About Polaris (The North Star)

These are 10 fascinating facts about Polaris, the so-called North Star. From that Polaris won’t be the North Star forever to that it’s 2,500 times brighter than the Sun. So if you want to learn 10 fascinating facts about Polaris, then you’re in the right place. Let’s dig right in! About 10 Polaris Facts Similar to Hollywood, the night sky is loaded with stars. And, some stars are more famous than others.  Polaris, known formally as Alpha Ursae Minoris, is possibly the most famous star.  Now, you may know this star more commonly as the “north star.” But, you may not know all of the interesting facts this bright hydrogen factory has to offer. #1 Polaris Really Is the North Star Our Earth spins on an axis. And, Earth’s north axis points out, 2.5-quadrillion-miles away to Polaris.  Because of this, Polaris always stays fixed directly to the North of our night sky.  Actually, Polaris has been our north star, or “pole star,” for thousands of years. #2 Polaris Won’t Always Be the North Star Spin a toy top, and you will notice that it spins in a wobbling cone-like shape.  Earth spins in a similar shape along its axis. But, Earth is huge!  Due to its massive size, it takes nearly 26,000 years to complete one axis spin. So, Polaris is currently on a 26,000-year reign of the north star title. #3 Winner of Best and Brightest Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor, Latin for “lesser bear.”  You might recognize Ursa Minor more easily as the little dipper.  However, the little dipper, while quite recognizable, is not a true constellation. We call these almost-constellations asterisms. #4 The THREE North Stars? Polaris is not simply a single star. Rather, it is a complex system containing three stars.  Polaris A (alpha), circled by two smaller, dimmer companions locked in the massive star’s gravity, is the brightest by far. #5 Separated Siblings The Polaris system (mentioned above in #7) contains three stars, Polaris A, Polaris Ab, and Polaris B.  Now, when we hear “system,” we naturally think of close-knit objects. However, space is vast.  Actually, Polaris A’s closest neighbor, Polaris Ab sits 2-billion-miles away. And, the third star, Polaris B orbits 240-billion-miles away. #6 Wait, the FIVE North Stars!? As mentioned in #7, our north star, Polaris, is actually a three-star system.  However, recent observations indicate that two more distant stars may be part of the Polaris system’s gravity.  And, if confirmed, we technically have not one but five north stars. #7 Before Google Maps, There Was Polaris Earth’s axis has been pointed directly at Polaris for around 2,000 years.  Although only seen from the northern hemisphere, the star has been a universal guide for centuries.  Past civilizations have relied on- and survived because of its precise location. Thanks, Polaris! #8 There Is No “South Star” Coincidentally, Earth is currently pointed directly at Polaris. Now, Earth, of course, does have a southern side to its axis.  However, there are currently no stars in its crosshairs. But, one star, known as Sigma Octans, lies one degree from such a location. So, it is likely that in the future, a south star will emerge. #9 Far Brighter Than Our Sun Even at a staggering 433 light-years, Polaris shines bright in our sky at magnitude 1.97. Actually, the north star is 2,500 times brighter than our own star, the Sun.  If Polaris were our solar system’s star, the radiation and brightness would be so intense that most complex life could not exist.  Fortunately, its drastic distance makes it a brilliant compass, not a lethal weapon. #10 The Closest Cepheid Variable to Earth Cepheid variable stars pulsate at fixed rates. And, as they pulsate, their diameter changes, often by millions of miles.  And, even at its extreme cosmic distance of 433 light-years, Polaris is currently the closest cepheid variable to Earth.  Plus, this star type is commonly used to calculate distances by observing their change in brightness accurately. So once again, Polaris serves as a fantastic space navigator! FAQ – Polaris’ Location as Seen From Earth We’ve received several questions/comments pertaining to Polaris’ location, as seen from Earth.  Primarily, people wonder why Polaris is the “North Star,” yet, it tends to appear mid-sky, as opposed to directly above.This is a fantastic question.  I, personally, long-pondered the very same thing. You see, Polaris is precisely aligned with the northern point of Earth’s axis.  Plus, Earth’s axis is not always directly “north” from where you are. This is very important to keep in mind.  From the North Pole, Polaris would appear at a neck-straining 90º, because Earth’s axis points directly above.  However, from lower longitudes, like the US, you are at different angles in relation to Earth’s axis. So, Polaris will actually appear at more mid-sky altitudes, usually between 30-40º. When we are not directly aligned from the North Pole, Earth itself obstructs our view of Polaris. As shown in the diagram below, being at latitudes closer to the equator allow more shallow-angled views of the north star. Polaris is over 2.5 quadrillion miles away, so moving mere thousands of miles on Earth should not make a difference, right? But, actually, it makes a tremendous difference. Geometry does not change, nor care where we are. Overall, viewing the north star from lower longitudes will always cause it to appear lower in the sky.

Living On the Sun (What Would Life Be on the Sun?).

Living On the Sun (What Would Life Be on the Sun?)

This is about how it would be to live on the Sun. How about a homeland that burns its nuclear fuel until it runs out and then violently collapses? So if you want to know how life on Sun might be, this article is for you. Let’s get started! What Would It Be Like To Live on the Sun? So, you have decided to live in the solar system’s most extreme environment?  Well, what would it be like living on the Sun? Firstly, no humans could ever inhabit the Sun. It is a star.  Scalding temperatures, nuclear processes, and unexpected lethal bursts make the Sun a deadly world.  Yet, it would be unjust to not cover our cosmic mother in our guide to life beyond Earth. Therefore, use your imagination to pretend that we now have remarkable technologies.  You have acquired tools to help you withstand unbelievable radiation and heat.  A reinforced, floating dome-like structure will serve as your new house and keep you free of the many dangers. Without further ado, pack your bags, load the trucks, let’s find out what it would be like, living on the Sun: Sun – Quick Facts Distance from Sun: 0 miles Text Message to Earth: Takes about 8 min. Mass: 330,000 x Earth Width: 109 x Earth Gravity: Over 300% of Earth Length of Day: n/a Length of Year: n/a Average Temperature: 9,938º F Pressure: Unknown Moons: 0 Rings: 0 Charming Historical Value For thousands of years, ancient civilizations worshiped your new homeland.  Constructing temples, monuments, art, and more, the Sun has been a god-like figure in human life history. Not to mention, ancient and modern calendar systems alike are all based on your newly-chosen home.  Plants, animals, foods, and anything else in human life all exist courtesy of the Sun.  Plus, even on cloudy days, human beings see and feel your home every day of their lives. Even people without eyesight feel its motherly warmth on their bodies. Your new home is easily the single most iconic piece of astronomical history. If the solar system were the United States, you have selected to live in colonial Williamsburg. Scouting Your New Neighborhood Deciding where you will be living on the Sun is simple: really hot, or extremely hot?  Dangerous or impossibly dangerous?  Three main regions make up your home:  Interior Atmosphere Surface Sun’s Interior First, the interior is made of the core, radiative zone, and convective zone. Simply by the oven-like names, we can infer that the interior is not a desirable living space.  Plus, the core temperature rings in around 27 million degrees.  In conditions, these extreme elements are crushed into heavier elements via nuclear fusion.  This process is the lifeblood of your new home. It’s the fuel that keeps the Sun alive.  But, you do not want to be anywhere remotely near this process. Trust us. Sun’s Atmosphere Alternatively, the Sun’s atmosphere has several layers: Chromosphere Photosphere Corona. Named after the Greek word chroma, meaning “color,” the chromosphere is the first layer.  The chromosphere gives off a red hue where the scorching-hot hydrogen emerges from the Sun’s interior. Next comes a small zone separating the lower and upper atmosphere, the photosphere. Greek for “light sphere,” the photosphere is where the Sun’s powerful energy radiates as visible light.  Surprisingly, this layer is the “mild” region at a chilly 9,900º F. Finally, the temperature leaps rapidly to a few million degrees to form the corona, Greek for “crown.” This thickest atmospheric layer is where the Sun’s solar wind is generated.  But, this is not typical wind. Instead, it is a stream of plasma and radiation that flows across the entire solar system. After examining these luxurious locales, you decide the photosphere is your dreamland. Pack your bags and load the truck. Your Typical Day, Night, and Year on the Sun Now, you live on the actual object that all planets orbit. Therefore, your home itself is the cause of days, nights, and years in the solar system.  In other words, you now live on the day, you live on the night, and you live on a year.  And, other than some of your layers and regions rotating, your home has no calendar of any kind. Instead, your new homeland simply burns its nuclear fuel until it runs out. Yes, it does have an expiration date, but you still have around 5 billion years left. Our Sun is called a main-sequence star.  Basically, it’s middle-aged, still in its prime. But, more on that later.  Let’s get out and do some sight-seeing: Exploring Features and Phenomenon of the Sun Immediately, you notice darker portions randomly appearing right in your own photosphere. These are sunspots.  At nearly 3,000 degrees cooler than their surroundings, sunspots can be a great place to take a break and chill out.  Plus, they can be 31,000 miles wide, so fitting friends and family should not be an issue. Next, you suddenly notice a gigantic tentacle extending out from your home region.  Extending out for hundreds of thousands of miles, you have just witnessed your first solar prominence.  However, keep your distance, as it is made of electrically charged hydrogen and plasma. Yikes! Finally, you need to rush back to your safe home dome. Your local news has just informed you that a coronal mass ejection is expected tonight.  Randomly, your new home gathers massive amounts of pent-up energy and ejects it in a devastating explosion.  Magnetically- and electrically-charged material blasts outward for millions of miles.  Sure, snap some breathtaking photos, but whatever you do, stay far away. These explosions are even powerful enough to damage power and communications on Earth. Planning for the Future Depending on when you make a move, living on the Sun requires long-term planning.  As mentioned previously, the Sun operates purely on nuclear fuel. However, like all things, this fuel eventually expires and runs out. At this point, your precious home is no longer safe. In fact, it will self-destruct and violently collapse. Aside from destroying your resale value, everything around you will also evaporate. Similar to all stars of this size, the Sun’s fuel will run out. It will expand to be several times its current size as …

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10 Fascinating Facts About Sirius.

10 Fascinating Facts About Sirius

These are 10 fascinating facts about Sirius. You might observe Sirius during broad daylight. So if you want to learn 10 fascinating facts about Sirius, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! 10 Sirius Facts Gaze up at the night sky, anywhere on Earth, and you will see Sirius.  As the brightest star in our Earth skies, Sirius outshines planets, nebulas, and several other wonders.  But, Sirius is a complicated system containing two stars.  Chalked to the brim with fascinating features, both stars are among the most interesting objects the universe has to offer. #1 Smaller but Hotter Being two different types of stars, Sirius A and B have very different attributes. For instance, Sirius A is nearly 1.5 million miles across, whereas Sirius B is only 7,000 miles across.  Yet, Sirius A’s surface temperature is around 18,000º F, whereas Sirius B scorches at 45,000º F.  That’s nearly five times as hot as our Sun. #2 It Will Only Get Brighter Recent observations show that the Sirius system is slowly approaching our solar system.  In fact, during the next 60,000 years, the already bright star will only become brighter.  Eventually, the system will outshine the likes of Venus and other bright objects. #3 All of Your Ancestors Saw Sirius Humans have observed Sirius for centuries.  Actually, Sirius comes from the Ancient Greek term for “glowing.”  Ancient Egyptian civilizations 4,000 years ago based their calendars on Sirius rising and setting.  Even Polynesian civilizations used Sirius as their main navigation. #4 He Star so Bright, It Shines Without Night Sirius is extremely bright.  Plus, its “near” proximity to Earth amplifies its brightness that much more.  Some locations can even observe Sirius during broad daylight.  Naturally, city lights are unusually low in these areas. #5 One Ton of Sugar, Please! White dwarfs are large stars whose mass is smashed into a very small space.  Stars that were once millions of miles wide are now only dozens of miles wide as white dwarfs.  Because of this, gravity and density are immense. In fact, a sugar-cube-sized piece of Sirius B would weigh around one ton (2,200 pounds). #6 The “Dog Star” “Dog star” is a common nickname for Sirius. It earned this name by being the brightest (alpha) star in the constellation Canis Majoris, Latin for “greater dog.” #7 Closest White Dwarf to Earth Sirius B is now a white dwarf.  A massive star has already stopped generating nuclear fuel during this phase, shed its outer layers, and become much smaller and dimmer.  In fact, Sirius B is currently the closest white dwarf star to Earth.  #8 My Older Brother Used To Be Bigger Big and bright Sirius A is far larger and brighter than its companion, Sirius B. This is because Sirius A is a main-sequence star, one that is still alive and ticking.  Whereas Sirius B is now a white dwarf, much smaller, dimmer, and in its twilight years.  Billions of years ago, when Sirius B was still in its prime, it would have been the much larger of the two. #9 Always Together, Forever Apart Two companion stars comprise the Sirius star system, Sirius A and B.  Although gravitationally bound, the pair lies 20 astronomical units apart. This distance equates to around 1.8-billion-miles.  In other words, the same distance between Earth and Uranus. #10 The Two Brightest Star(s)?! Technically, Sirius is a two-star system. In astronomy, this is considered a binary system.  We are most familiar with much brighter Sirius A, which shines visibly in our night sky.  In fact, companion star Sirius B is around 10,000 times less bright. More Planet and Star Facts 10 Mars Facts 5 Mercury Facts 10 Sirius Facts