Living On the Moon (What Would Life Be on the Moon?).

Living On the Moon (What Would Life Be on the Moon?)

This is about how it would be to live on the Moon. How about moonquakes that last an hour? So if you want to know how life on Moon might be, this article is for you. Let’s get started! What Would It Be Like To Live on the Moon? Even as young children, we are familiar with the Moon because it almost always shines bright and sparks our night sky. It’s the second brightest object in Earth’s sky, second only to our Sun.  Most people also know that it is the only environment outside of Earth’s atmosphere where humans have set foot.  In fact, there is a long list of other interesting facts about our Moon that nearly all people know.  But, have you ever asked yourself: what would it be like to live on the Moon?  Ignoring the frightening dangers and assuming we currently have the technology to do so, let’s find out what it would be like! Moon – Quick Facts Distance from Sun: 93 million miles Text Message to Earth: Takes about 1 sec. Mass: 1% of Earth Width: 27% of Earth Gravity: 16% of Earth Length of Day: 656 hours (27 x 1 Earth Day) Length of Yea:: 27 days (7% of 1 Earth year) Average Temperature: -4º F Pressure: Unknown Moons: No Rings: No Your Typical Day on The Moon Your new homeland’s day lasts for over 600 hours, or 27 times one Earth day.  Even during the day, your sky would always be pitch black because you have no atmosphere to scatter the Sun’s light.  On Earth, we know the Sun is rising because the surrounding sky becomes bright and colored.  On the Moon, the Sun suddenly appears in the sky. Once it rises, light covers your surface, and temperatures instantly swell to almost 250º Fahrenheit. Since your sky is always black, you also see crystal-clear stars rise with the Sun and continue along across your skies. Speaking of your former home, you would indeed have a spectacular view of Earth.  The Moon is in a tidal lock with Earth, meaning as it orbits around Earth, the same side of the Moon is always facing the planet. This is the cause of the infamous “dark side of the Moon!”  Because of this, you would always see Earth in roughly the same spot in your sky.  You would also be able to see Earth go through phases, just like you saw the Moon do from Earth. Adding to the list of complete opposites, you would occasionally experience a solar eclipse.  However, it will now be the Earth that is briefly blocking the Sun. The Earth will temporarily appear as a glowing red-orange ball, blocking most of the Sun’s light from your home. As you venture out to explore your new homeland, you will see smooth plains created from molten lava.  With no atmosphere to protect your home, large collisions from the past have left gigantic mountains and deep craters.  The largest crater is Aristarchus, located on the North West region. At 25 miles wide and nearly 2.5 miles deep, this monster makes Earth’s Grand Canyon look tiny.  For the more adventurous explorers, lava has also left extremely deep holes, leading to large underground caverns in the Moon’s surface. Your Typical Night on The Moon Not surprisingly, your evening on the Moon is similar to your day; pitch black. But, without an atmosphere to trap in heat, your evening temperatures will plunge almost instantly to nearly -250º Fahrenheit. You’ll want to pack a heavy coat. Naturally, you will have no Moon to sparkle in your night sky because…well, you are on it. As explained previously, the Earth will be your main nighttime sky feature now.  And, because they are essentially unaffected visually, thousands of beaming stars will decorate your sky.  Temperature aside, there are much less pleasant views one could have in the evening. Your Typical Year on The Moon You now have two different ways of viewing your new home’s calendar year: Because of the time, it takes for the Moon to completely revolve around the Earth, you could say a Lunar year is 27 days long. You could also argue that the definition of a year is the time it takes for an object to orbit the Sun. If that is your view, then you could say the Moon has the same year as Earth since it travels around the Sun with the Earth. Regardless of your yearly views, one thing is for sure, your gravity is much different now. At only one-sixth of your previous Earth gravity, you can accomplish some amazing things.  If you could throw a football 50 yards on Earth, you can now launch a 300-yard pass. If you weighed 160 pounds when you left Earth, you would now weigh only 25 pounds on the Moon.  If you could benchpress 200 pounds in an Earth gym, you are now officially benching 1,200 pounds in your new gym. Wow! Your Local Weather Forecast Your local weather forecast is almost not even worth watching. It’s very predictable.  No matter what time of year it is, it will be very hot, then very cold, with no chance of precipitation. One factor you definitely want to stay current with is meteor particles.  Without a protective atmosphere, these particles frequently bombard your home and can be as large as golf balls.  Think about how much a piece of hail can hurt when it hits you on Earth. Now, imagine the same thing, but with zero resistance. Bottom line that will hurt, so be careful. During the long periods of time when your Moon surface is in the sunlight, deadly radiation will shower your home. During these times, your safest option is to seek shelter around the polar regions of the Moon.  In these cool parts, your home will remain free of sunlight for several months out of the year but will clearly be extremely cold. Finally, be aware of moonquakes!  This hazardous phenomenon pops up very unexpectedly and is similar to moderate earthquakes.  Overall, they are not catastrophic but are fully …

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13 Full Moon Names and Their Meanings.

13 Full Moon Names and Their Meanings

This is all 13 full moon names explained. Do you know the phrase once in a blue moon? Do you know the meaning of this phrase? So if you want to learn all full moon names and their meaning, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get right into it! All Full Moon Names and Their Meanings Every month, we get to marvel at a bright, beaming, silver full Moon.  No matter where you live on Earth, you have seen one before.  But have you ever heard somebody refer to a full Moon as a Strawberry Moon?  Or, have you ever used the phrase “once in a Blue Moon” to describe something rare?  Every month of our calendar has a uniquely named full Moon.  All full Moon names trace back to early Native American tribes and early American farmers.  These various Moons were used to help them keep track of each important season. #1 January – Wolf Moon During the deep winter’s night snows of January, hungry wolf packs howled at the full Moon in the woods outside of Native American villages, giving January’s Moon the title of Wolf Moon. #2 February – Snow Moon Since February is typically the month with the most snowfall, tribes gave the month’s full Moon this fitting name.  Some tribes also referred to February’s Moon as the Hunger Moon since heavy snows made hunting quite difficult. #3 March – Worm Moon As the lands began to warm in March, Earthworms would slowly reappear, causing birds to come out and signal the end of winter. #4 April – Pink Moon The Pink Moon gets its name from Herb Moss Pink, which was one of the earliest known wide-spreading flowers. These flowers began to appear around April. #5 May – Flower Moon As the name insinuates, flowers have now appeared everywhere during May. #6 June – Strawberry Moon During June, the rather short window to harvest strawberries occurs, giving this full Moon its name. #7 July – Buck Moon July is the month in which tribes would see Buck Deer’s antlers begin to sprout from their heads. #8 August – Sturgeon Moon A Sturgeon is a type of large fish.  Since August was the month when Sturgeon were most frequently caught, Native American fishing tribes of the North are credited with this full Moon’s name. #9 September – Corn Moon or Harvest Moon Native American tribes deemed September Moon the Corn Moon as this was the month when corn could be harvested.  On the other hand, American farmers refer to this Moon as the Harvest Moon because its late rise and bright light allowed them to work late into the evening during their autumn harvesting season. #10 October – Hunter’s Moon or Blood Moon During this month, deer were now full-fed, and Native American tribes began hunting them to gather meats for the frigid months that lied ahead. #11 November – Beaver Moon During November, beavers are fully preparing for winter, and tribes actively set beaver traps to gather furs for the upcoming cold. #12 December – Cold Moon During December, the winter chill is in full effect, and the nights are now at their longest and coldest. #13 Bonus – Blue Moon A Blue Moon is a second full moon occurring within the same calendar month. This does not occur very often, only around once every 2.5 years.  This is why we use the phrase “once in a Blue Moon” to describe something rare.

10 Things That Would Happen if We Had No Moon.

10 Things That Would Happen if We Had No Moon

Here are 10 things that would happen if we didn’t have the moon. How about much shorter days? So if you want to learn 10 things that would happen if the Moon went missing, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! 10 Things That Would Happen If the Moon Went Missing Our gleaming, silver Moon is a staple of the night sky. It has been the inaugural landing place for man, a calendar system for ancient civilizations, and more.  Also, the Moon has several profound astronomical impacts on our Earth that you may not be aware of.  But, what if we had no Moon?  How would this impact life as we know it? Compared to 10 effects of having two Moons, the outcomes are much less chaotic.  However, some of the impacts might surprise you or even downright shock you.  Without further ado, here are the top 10 impacts that would happen if we had no Moon. #1 No More Eclipses. Ever. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, partially or completely blocking the Sun’s light.  Alternatively, a lunar eclipse is when the Earth passes in between the Moon and the Sun, partially or completely blocking the Sun’s light from hitting the Moon. Ultimately, neither solar nor lunar eclipses would be possible ever again without a Moon.  While these have zero impact on any biological factors, they are a rare treat for humans and would be missed. #2 High Tides Are No Longer High In 10 effects of having two Moons, we learned that our tides saw the greatest impact. They became vicious and deadly.  On the other hand, if we had no Moon, the tides would also change, but much more favorably. Though the Moon and Sun both affect Earth’s tides, the Sun has a rather underwhelming impact overall.  So, if we had no Moon, our tides would be about 40% as high as they are today, which would be quite small.  And, while this would not hurt or help anything, it would be easily noticed. #3 Total Darkness at Night Every one of us has been outside at night during a full Moon and during a new Moon as well. But, we might have taken for granted how much light the Moon actually provides us with at night.  Anyone who has been camping far outside of the city will attest that without man-made city lights, it is downright dark. If we had no Moon, this would be commonplace on any given night.  While this would be a true blessing for backyard astronomers, it would definitely be a game-changer. #4 Need for Different Vision With no Moonlight to pleasantly illuminate our nights, the evolution of human eyes would be much different.  One of the amazing things about advanced organisms is their natural ability to evolve to adapt to changing environments. Because of this, if we had no Moon, our eyes would slowly adjust over time to be able to see better at night. #5 Nocturnal Animals Would Evolve Too If we had no Moon, the dark nights would naturally put nocturnal predator’s prey at an alarming disadvantage. Therefore, the prey would organically evolve simply for the sake of survival. Furthermore, the nocturnal predators would also evolve and adapt to survive.  With more intelligent prey, and more opportunities to hide in the darkness, the predator would also up its game, so to speak.  Plus, the nocturnal predators with marginal night vision would be in trouble if we had no Moon, as the new darkness would be too much. #6 Our Days Would Be Much Shorter The Moon creates tidal friction on Earth. Basically, this means the slight gravity of the Moon gradually slows the Earth’s spinning down.  If we had no Moon, we would have no tidal friction. The result of this would be a drastically faster spinning Earth, creating much shorter days.  Also, this would cause drastically more days in a single year as well. #7 Earth Would Dangerously Wobble Complicated physics between Earth and gravity prevents it from wobbling while it orbits.  If we had no Moon, the Earth would rock back-and-forth wildly as it traveled around the Sun.  Obviously, this would create serious dangers for buildings, cities and people. #8 Axial Tilting Our Moon helps the Earth stay relatively fixed on its axis, meaning it helps us sit properly upright in relation to our orbit around the Sun. So, if we had no Moon, the Earth would tilt, often dramatically. This tilt would have tremendous effects on the climate because our poles would randomly change to Africa, Europe, and other atypical locations.  Needless to say, freezing polar climates in new places, like Africa’s deserts, would be unusual. Occasionally, the Earth would sit completely upright on its axis. And, the result of this would be equally long days and nights.  Also, this zero-tilt would temporarily eliminate seasons. #9 No Small Step for Man, Is One Nonexistent Leap for Mankind Sure, this one is complete speculation, but Apollo 11 would have never happened if we had no Moon.  Arguably, mankind would still have never set foot beyond Earth. Our modern technologies are still planning on how to reach places like Mars.  So, it stands to reasons that in previous decades, Mars travel would have been nearly infeasible. Furthermore, the Apollo program still serves as one of man’s greatest achievements. It was a point in time that served as an impetus for humans to strive and push their own limits.  If we had no Moon, would Kennedy have made his lofty wager?  Would space travel have been a focus for government spending? #10 We Would Have, and Will Survive Finally, if we had no Moon, life still would have sprung up and taken place.  Also, if the Moon were there, only to disappear at a later time, we would still survive.  In either case, there are no effects dramatic enough to eliminate mankind. Although, in both situations, life as we know it would be much different, as listed by all of the previous reasons.  …

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What Causes Moon Phases? (8 Moon Phases)

What Causes Moon Phases? (8 Moon Phases)

This is about the moon phases. The moon looks different every night. If you want to know what causes moon phases and all the details, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! The 8 Moon Phases Humans have marveled at our beautiful Moon for centuries. It has been the subject of:  Love songs The cause of astronomical mysteries An ancient calendar system And lots more As our Moon goes through its phases, the distinct shapes it takes on are instantly recognizable by nearly all of us.  However, the names of each phase, the order in which they occur, and why they happen are something that many of us can’t explain.  Let’s figure it out! Why Does the Moon Have Phases? Half of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun.  But, because our Moon is constantly orbiting the Earth, we see the illuminated or lit-up part from different angles throughout the month.  This causes our Moon’s phases!  For instance, the image below shows the angle at which we see the Moon during its Waxing Crescent phase.  Since we see the illuminated portion of the Moon at an angle, it appears to take on a crescent-like shape.  The visual outcome of all of the Moon’s phases are explained in the next sections. #1 New Moon The Earth, the Moon, and the Sun are in a nearly straight line with one another.  With the Moon being in between Earth and the Sun, its illuminated portion is on the other side of the Moon, out of sight to us.  This phase makes the Moon unable to be seen by Earth. #2 Waxing Crescent Moon To “wax” means to increase in power.  Therefore, as the illuminated portion of the Moon slowly becomes more visible to us on Earth, it is increasing.  During the Waxing Crescent phase, the Moon becomes slightly illuminated but less than halfway. #3 First Quarter Moon (or Half Moon) The Moon is now one-quarter of the way through its cycle, giving it the name Quarter Moon.  At this point, the Moon is seen by Earth in a straight line, but its illuminated portion is still perpendicular to us.  Only half of it is lit up. This is why this phase is sometimes referred to as a Half Moon. #4 Waxing Gibbous Moon The Moon’s illuminated portion now fills more than half of the Moon but is still not full.  The term Gibbous is an astronomy term referring to something that is convex (or rounded) at both edges, like the shape of the Moon’s lit portion during this phase. #5 Full Moon This phase is similar to the New Moon in that the Earth, Moon and Sun are nearly aligned once again.  Only this time, the Earth lies in between the Moon and the Sun.  Now the Moon’s illuminated portion is pointed directly at us, and its face appears completely lit. #6 Waning Gibbous Moon The illuminated portion of the Moon is now decreasing in power or waning but is still more than halfway lit.  The lit portion’s sides, once again, appear rounded on both sides, giving the name Waning Gibbous (see #4 for the explanation of Gibbous). #7 Third Quarter Moon The Moon is now three-quarters of the way through its cycle.  And, like the First Quarter, we see the Moon at a straight angle but see the illuminated portion perpendicularly.  The Moon appears half-lit once again. #8 Waning Crescent Moon The illuminated portion of the Moon is now nearly gone, and the Moon again appears as a crescent shape. Now, the Moon’s cycle is complete, its illuminated portion is completely invisible to us, and it starts the cycle all over again.  We’re back to a New Moon! Moon Phases Calendar 2021

10 Things That Would Happen if We Had Two Moons.

10 Things That Would Happen if We Had Two Moons

Here are 10 things that would happen if we had two moons. How about increased crime rates? So if you want to learn 10 things that would happen if the Moon cloned itself, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! 10 Things That Would Happen if We Had Two Moons But, what would happen if we had two moons? Unfortunately, most impacts would be shocking and would likely be the cause of mass extinction on Earth.  However, there are a couple positive outcomes sprinkled in.  We are assuming that the new Moon is around the same size as our current Moon for this list.  Without further ado, here are the top 10 most significant impacts that would happen if we had two Moons. #1 Fewer Dark Hours Each Night If we had two Moons, there would obviously be twice as much moonlight.  Plus, the two Moons would likely rise and set at different times, causing much fewer dark hours.  Because of this, nocturnal creatures would behave much differently. Nighttime hunters would see prey much more easily.  Therefore, this would cause a biological need for nighttime prey to increase their camouflage. Eventually, the need to survive would become much greater. This would likely cause predators and prey to become much more intelligent and savvy. #2 Tidal Friction Tidal friction is the process of the Moon’s gravity slowing the Earth down ever so slightly.  Picture your finger barely touching a spinning basketball. If we had two Moons, tidal friction would gradually increase over very long periods of time. Ultimately, this could cause drastically longer seasons and some extreme effects.  One could be that deserts are receiving more rain, becoming more fertile. Or, the opposite, in which fertile forests could dry up, becoming barren deserts. #3 Double the Eclipses On a lighter note, if we had two Moons, we would have twice as many eclipses.  The eclipses would vary depending on where the new Moon sat (between Earth or beyond our current Moon).  If it were near our current Moon’s position, we would enjoy twice as many solar eclipses. However, if it were smaller or beyond our current Moon, we would still have twice as many eclipses. Still, half of them would be partial and fairly underwhelming. Fortunately, eclipses are simply a visual enjoyment for humans, and they have no impact on living conditions. #4 Seaside City Dangers If we had two Moons, the tide is far and away from the greatest impact.  With two Moons tugging on Earth and causing ripple effects, tides would turn completely chaotic. Because of this, shorelines would rapidly erode, causing seaside buildings to be destroyed.  Therefore, major cities like San Francisco and New York would be in grave danger. #5 New Innovations for Water Now, with seaside dangers from our new tides, new innovations for gathering water would be necessary.  If we had two Moons, seaside buildings would constantly be destroyed by wild tides.  And, since close proximity is needed for sewage and other water systems, we would be forced to reinvent these processes. #6 Our Concept of a “Month” If we had two Moons, our long-lived concept of a calendar month is now useless.  Now, the brilliant monitoring of ancient civilizations and tribes would be unnecessary now.  Rather, we would be forced to adopt a mixture of short and long months. #7 More Tides. More Problems. If we had two Moons, the tidal impacts would be devastating.  Gravity from two Moons tugging on the Earth would create double the ripple effect.  And, the outcomes of this would be tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other natural disasters.  Obviously, this would spell a tragic end to most life on Earth. #8 High Tide x 2 If we had two Moons, we would also have two “high tides” per day. Yet, this would not be the bonus to surfers that it may seem.  Now, waters are drastically more turbulent and dangerous. And, the increasingly dangerous waters would make sea travel far less safe.  Ultimately, this could have severe impacts on:  Trade Travel industries The military And more #9 Increased Crime Rates Several studies over time have found correlations between full Moons and crime rates.  Full Moons cause tension, found to often result in irrational behavior and criminal behavior.  So, if we had two Moons, theoretically, these crime rate spikes could double.  Violent crimes, property theft, and more could swell throughout the months. #10 The Ultimate Lunar Collision Finally, there would be several situations in which the two Moons could collide with one another. If this were to occur, it would mean mass extinction for all life on Earth.  Firstly, as the two bodies collide, large chunks of debris could fall to Earth, causing several disasters.  Finally, no matter what, the collision would create a gigantic cloak of debris, wiping out life on Earth.  Immediately, plants, animals, and humans would all freeze and cease to exist.  We are familiar with this outcome through theories of how the dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago.