10 Things That Would Happen if We Had Two Moons.

10 Things That Would Happen if We Had Two Moons

Here are 10 things that would happen if we had two moons. How about increased crime rates? So if you want to learn 10 things that would happen if the Moon cloned itself, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! 10 Things That Would Happen if We Had Two Moons But, what would happen if we had two moons? Unfortunately, most impacts would be shocking and would likely be the cause of mass extinction on Earth.  However, there are a couple positive outcomes sprinkled in.  We are assuming that the new Moon is around the same size as our current Moon for this list.  Without further ado, here are the top 10 most significant impacts that would happen if we had two Moons. #1 Fewer Dark Hours Each Night If we had two Moons, there would obviously be twice as much moonlight.  Plus, the two Moons would likely rise and set at different times, causing much fewer dark hours.  Because of this, nocturnal creatures would behave much differently. Nighttime hunters would see prey much more easily.  Therefore, this would cause a biological need for nighttime prey to increase their camouflage. Eventually, the need to survive would become much greater. This would likely cause predators and prey to become much more intelligent and savvy. #2 Tidal Friction Tidal friction is the process of the Moon’s gravity slowing the Earth down ever so slightly.  Picture your finger barely touching a spinning basketball. If we had two Moons, tidal friction would gradually increase over very long periods of time. Ultimately, this could cause drastically longer seasons and some extreme effects.  One could be that deserts are receiving more rain, becoming more fertile. Or, the opposite, in which fertile forests could dry up, becoming barren deserts. #3 Double the Eclipses On a lighter note, if we had two Moons, we would have twice as many eclipses.  The eclipses would vary depending on where the new Moon sat (between Earth or beyond our current Moon).  If it were near our current Moon’s position, we would enjoy twice as many solar eclipses. However, if it were smaller or beyond our current Moon, we would still have twice as many eclipses. Still, half of them would be partial and fairly underwhelming. Fortunately, eclipses are simply a visual enjoyment for humans, and they have no impact on living conditions. #4 Seaside City Dangers If we had two Moons, the tide is far and away from the greatest impact.  With two Moons tugging on Earth and causing ripple effects, tides would turn completely chaotic. Because of this, shorelines would rapidly erode, causing seaside buildings to be destroyed.  Therefore, major cities like San Francisco and New York would be in grave danger. #5 New Innovations for Water Now, with seaside dangers from our new tides, new innovations for gathering water would be necessary.  If we had two Moons, seaside buildings would constantly be destroyed by wild tides.  And, since close proximity is needed for sewage and other water systems, we would be forced to reinvent these processes. #6 Our Concept of a “Month” If we had two Moons, our long-lived concept of a calendar month is now useless.  Now, the brilliant monitoring of ancient civilizations and tribes would be unnecessary now.  Rather, we would be forced to adopt a mixture of short and long months. #7 More Tides. More Problems. If we had two Moons, the tidal impacts would be devastating.  Gravity from two Moons tugging on the Earth would create double the ripple effect.  And, the outcomes of this would be tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other natural disasters.  Obviously, this would spell a tragic end to most life on Earth. #8 High Tide x 2 If we had two Moons, we would also have two “high tides” per day. Yet, this would not be the bonus to surfers that it may seem.  Now, waters are drastically more turbulent and dangerous. And, the increasingly dangerous waters would make sea travel far less safe.  Ultimately, this could have severe impacts on:  Trade Travel industries The military And more #9 Increased Crime Rates Several studies over time have found correlations between full Moons and crime rates.  Full Moons cause tension, found to often result in irrational behavior and criminal behavior.  So, if we had two Moons, theoretically, these crime rate spikes could double.  Violent crimes, property theft, and more could swell throughout the months. #10 The Ultimate Lunar Collision Finally, there would be several situations in which the two Moons could collide with one another. If this were to occur, it would mean mass extinction for all life on Earth.  Firstly, as the two bodies collide, large chunks of debris could fall to Earth, causing several disasters.  Finally, no matter what, the collision would create a gigantic cloak of debris, wiping out life on Earth.  Immediately, plants, animals, and humans would all freeze and cease to exist.  We are familiar with this outcome through theories of how the dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago.

7 Layers of the Sun in Order Explained

7 Layers of the Sun in Order Explained

These are the 7 layers of the Sun in order. From the interior of the Sun to the corona layer. So if you want to understand all 7 layers of the Sun, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! 7 Layers of the Sun in Order Explained in Simple Terms Our Sun is a beautifully complex star: Keeping itself alive via nuclear fuel, the Sun is a vast system of layers and fascinating processes.  But, while complex, understanding the Sun, in general, is exciting and straightforward. To start, here’s an overview of the 7 layers of the sun: Let’s dive in and examine all the layers of the Sun in order. #1 Solar Core of the Sun First, let’s dive deep and explore the interior of the Sun. Three layers, a core, radiative zone, and convective zone, comprise the insides of our star. Deep within the Sun’s interior lies the core.  Initially, all the power, energy, and heat generated by the Sun is born here. In other words, the core is the Sun’s heart. Pressures and temperatures are at their highest levels within the core. In fact, the temperature at the core can reach a staggering 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.  Under such extreme conditions, atoms move so quickly and are squeezed so tightly that their nuclei are smashed together. But, instead of destroying each other, the two atoms combine to form heavier, more complex atoms.  In the case of our Sun, hydrogen is constantly fused into helium. This process, called nuclear fusion, is the lifeblood fuel of all stars. Finally, as the atoms combine, they release excess energy to remain stable. In the end, this excess energy will become the light and heat we experience here on Earth. Due to the massive size of our Sun, it creates tremendous gravity, constantly pushing inward on itself.  However, the core’s powerful nuclear fusion is constantly pushing outward.  Ultimately, the Sun stays alive in this delicate balance of inward gravity and outward nuclear energy. #2 Radiative Zone of the Sun Next, beyond the core lies the radiative zone. At this point, density, pressure, and the temperature gradually decrease. Now, the energy created from the core’s nuclear fusion is carried through the radiative zone. At this point, the energy is now in the form of electromagnetic radiation.  In other words, energy has become light, carried by photons, traveling outward towards the surface. Though not as dense as the core, the radiative zone remains extremely dense.  In fact, core-generated light takes around 100,000 years to bounce through the radiative zone. #3 Convective Zone of the Sun Finally, light energy reaches the outer-most layer of the Sun’s interior, the convective zone. Now, density becomes low enough for light to convert into heat. The newly-formed heat slowly cools as it rises toward the Sun’s surface.  Eventually, as it cools enough, it falls back down toward the radiative zone, heating up once more.  This rise-fall cycle, known as convection, continues repeatedly. As energy rises, cools, falls, and heats, it forms gigantic bubble patterns, known as convection cells.  We see a similar process happening in a pot of boiling water. As the water boils, rolling bubbles of hot water form like convection cells. #4 Exterior of the Sun Now, we can burst free and explore the Sun’s exterior. Three layers also comprise the Sun’s atmosphere:  Photosphere Chromosphere Corona #5 Photosphere of the Sun Greek for “light sphere,” the photosphere is the layer of the Sun that we are most familiar with, usually through pictures. Visible light first appears in the photosphere. Though unsafe to look at, the photosphere is where our human eyes see the Sun’s light and brightness.  Also, this layer is covered in skin-like granules caused by convection cells beneath.  In fact, these granules last only around eight minutes, causing the constantly changing surface patterns on the Sun. Temperatures in the lower photosphere are around 11,000º F, whereas temperatures near the top stay around 6,700º F. Also, sunspots occur within the Sun’s photosphere. Appearing as darker regions, sunspots last for several days, maintaining temperatures 3,600º F lower than their surroundings.  In fact, a sunspot’s center is thousands of times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field. #6 Chromosphere of the Sun Next, beyond the photosphere lies the chromosphere. This complex layer extends outward for over 3,000 miles. Now, temperatures in the Sun’s chromosphere suddenly jump from 10,000º F to around 36,000º F.  At temperatures, this high, hydrogen atoms radiate as rich red colors. Therefore, the red emissions give this layer its name, Greek for “color sphere.” The chromosphere appears faint against the bright photosphere background.  Typically, to visually see this layer and its activity, special equipment is required.  Using solar telescopes and spectrographs, for instance, can reveal features such as dark filaments, magnetic field lines, and more. However, such advanced equipment can be both expensive and complicated to use.  But, with simple and inexpensive eyeglasses, anybody can view the chromosphere during partial and total solar eclipses. #7 Corona of the Sun Finally, we reach the Sun’s corona, Latin for “crown.”  Similar to the chromosphere, the elusive corona is most often visible during an eclipse. This layer appears as a white crown around the Sun, which is actually hot plasma. Strangely, temperatures in the corona swell to nearly 2 million degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, elements like hydrogen and helium are stripped of their electrons, leaving a bare nucleus.  Only much heavier elements, like iron, are capable of staying intact.  Ultimately, the energy from the stripped electrons causes the staggering temperatures in the corona. However, the corona provides several fascinating and interesting features. For instance, large spikes of plasma, called streamers, shoot far out from the Sun. Plasma trapped by the Sun’s magnetic fields creates the spike shapes. Perhaps most notable, the corona is ultimately responsible for our aurora borealis on Earth.  As charged particles flow outward from the corona, they travel far into space. In fact, the winds carry far beyond Neptune and even Pluto.  And, as some of the powerful solar winds hit Earth’s atmosphere, they interact with …

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What Is the Coldest Place in the Universe?

Boomerang Nebula: Coldest Place in Our Universe?

This is about the coldest place in the universe: the Boomerang Nebule. The coldest place in our solar system is Uranus. So if you want to learn more about the coldest place in the universe, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! About the Coldest Place in the Universe Certainly, we have some seriously chilly places on planet Earth.  Perhaps, even your own town gets unbearably cold during the winter months.  Actually, our planet’s record-holder was Antarctica, coming in at a frigid -129º F. But, Earth is one tiny dot in a vast universe.  So, where is the coldest place in the universe? Absolute Zero First, understanding the coldest place in the universe means understanding absolute zero. Unlike heat, which can keep increasing without any limits, cold has a stopping point.  Simply put, the colder temperatures get, the slower atoms move.  Finally, once temperatures reach a certain point, atoms basically stop moving altogether.  We call this particular temperature absolute zero. Absolute zero occurs at a chilling -459º F (-273º C). Boomerang Nebula Is the Coldest Place in the Universe Officially, space is extremely cold.  Yet, deep in the constellation Centaurus, the Boomerang Nebula holds the record for the coldest place in the known universe. In fact, the frozen region is only one degree above absolute zero. That’s even colder than the frozen background leftover from the big bang or space itself. Actually, the Boomerang Nebula was once a star, very similar to our Sun. But, nearing the end of its life, the star shed its outer layers. Having nothing to do with planets, we call this shedding a planetary nebula. What Causes the Coldest Place in the Universe? As the Boomerang’s central star dies, it blasts dust and gas outward. Now, as the nebula continues expanding, it cools itself.  In fact, the Boomerang Nebula is blowing material much faster than typical dying stars.  Plus, blown out in twin jets, gas gives this nebula more of a bow tie shape than a Boomerang. Actually, you can do a simple experiment to see why the Boomerang Nebula is so cold: Inhale, holding your breath. Hold your hand in front of your face and exhale with your mouth wide open. Inhale and hold your breath again. Exhale into your hand again, but puckering your mouth into only a small opening. Technically, both times, the air becomes heated inside your body. But, when puckering your mouth, exhaled air now becomes cooled. In fact, the Boomerang Nebula exhibits these same very simple concepts. But, then, blasted through tiny openings, the star’s materials become cooled, same as your breath. The Coldest Place in the Universe Takes on a New Shape Formerly, Hubble photos of the “Boomerang” Nebula revealed more of a bow tie or hourglass shape. Ultimately, such shapes are typical with gases bursting from a star’s poles in twin jets. However, using Hubble and ground-based telescopes in Chile, the Boomerang Nebula reveals newer structures still.  Now, bright carbon monoxide (red) reveals the shape previously seen by Hubble. But, we also see outer icy gases flowing out in more circular shapes (blue). Being a new, or young planetary nebula, the central star has only just begun.  In fact, later in its death, the star will blast hot ultraviolet radiation, illuminating the nebula in vivid colors.  Imagine the show this frozen nebula will put on 200 million years from now.

How to Discover the Ninth Planet.

How to Discover Planet Nine?

This is how you find the ninth planet. NASA provides you with everything you need. So if you want to know how to find planet nine, then this article is for you. Let’s get going! How to Find the Ninth Planet On future job resumes, how would you like to list “discovered ninth planet?”  Besides, wouldn’t you feel wonderful knowing you’ve earned a place in scientific history?  Then, NASA has some very hopeful news for you!  Enlisting the public’s help, NASA wants you to hunt an undiscovered ninth planet.  Plus, you have an opportunity to discover other cosmic objects along the way.  Without further ado, this article shows you how to find planet nine in three steps! Planet Nine: A Brief Rundown First, here is a video NASA released, promoting the unprecedented contest: Through precise calculations, astronomers strongly believe a ninth planet lurks in our solar system.  First of all, aptly named Planet Nine maybe ten times Earth’s Mass.  Not to mention, it orbits 20 times farther out than Neptune in the Kuiper Belt. Actually, odd orbits of several small Kuiper Belt objects first hinted at the planet’s presence.  Plus, several objects orbit on the same plane, which is far different than the plane of our other eight planets. So, essentially, a large planet’s gravity could likely cause such effects. Finally, the chances of such effects simply happening based on luck is around 0.007%. In other words, Planet Nine is highly likely to actually exist.  Ok, how can you find Planet nine? #1 How to Find Planet Nine: Step One First, visit zooniverse.org via computer or mobile devices.  Next, either register your account or sign in to your existing account.  Technically, accounts aren’t required but highly recommended.  After all, should you locate a new planet, you will want your name attached to it. Finally, click “Get Started” in the homepage’s center.  Now, you’ll walk through a simple and helpful tutorial covering how to use the site.  Overall, both signup and walkthrough should take no more than five minutes. #2 How to Find Planet Nine: Step Two At last, your hunt begins. Basically, hunters view very short videos, consisting of only four slides, called flipbooks.  Flipbooks contain Kuiper Belt surveys taken by NASA’s WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer). Each flipbook plays as a movie or viewed by individual still images. Simple, right?  However, Kuiper Belt objects lie billions of miles away. Also, WISE uses infrared vision based on heat. Therefore, images look quite different than normal human-friendly light. As a result, movies and images look something like this: #3 How to Find Planet Nine: Step Three Finally, you begin identifying potential planets. However, asteroids and other items may also be discovered. Simply put, hunters seek two objects, dipoles, and movers (examples below): Firstly, dipoles are slow-moving objects.  Next, movers typically zip across the frames.  Finally, spiky objects may also appear in frames. These are distant stars.  Basically, hunters are urged to ignore stars. Next, tap specific frame locations to log or identify potential objects. As a result, green crosshairs appear, marking the desired spot.  Also, hunters may move or delete crosshairs to perfectly align your finds. Importantly, true potential candidates should appear in at least three of four frames.  Therefore, you’ll identify an object in all frames in which it appears.  Finally, click “Done” to submit finds. You’ve Hunted, Now What? After hunting the skies to your heart’s content, what happens next?  Now, NASA begins reviewing contributions. Ultimately, should you discover something great, NASA contacts you. Plus, Planet Nine’s discover would certainly become global news. Therefore, your name will be included in resulting articles, news, and most other publications. In other words, you will become world-famous overnight. Finally, public-involved contests by NASA are both rare and groundbreaking. So, imagine the coverage that such an event would receive should it lead to a new planet.  Basically, a few mindless hours on your couch could place your picture in every science textbook for the next century. Not a bad deal.

How Are Black Holes Formed?

How Are Black Holes Formed in Simple Terms?

This is about how black holes form. There are three theories. So if you want to know how a black hole forms, then you’re in the right place. Let’s jump right in! The Forming of Black Holes Fascinating to us, black holes are the focus of countless sci-fi flicks, novels, and more.  But, how are black holes formed?  Actually, there are multiple answers to this question.  First, let’s quickly review what black holes actually are. What Is a Black Hole? Black holes are points in space where gravity and pressure are so strong that nothing can escape, not even light.  In fact, since not even light can escape the tremendous power, black holes remain invisible in space, giving black holes their name.  So, how are black holes formed? 3 Theories How Black Holes Are Formed There are three primary types of black holes. And, because of this, there are three main ways in which black holes form: #1 Primordial Black Holes Primordial black holes formed purely from extremely dense matter, present during the early universe.  Currently, primordial black holes are merely hypothetical. However, several modern theories believe primordial black holes are responsible for dark matter. Shortly after the big bang, the universe was an extremely dense cosmic soup. Matter (mainly hydrogen) tightly packs small spaces. This tightly-packed environment that would have caused primordial black holes. One hundred times the power of Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope will see far into the past, when the universe was a mere infant. Launching in 2018, JWST may allow us to detect these hypothetical objects. #2 Stellar Black Holes Stellar black holes form when the cores of massive stars collapse inward on themselves. As massive stars run out of nuclear fuel, they can no longer fight their own gravity.  Now, the star’s core crashes in, causing a blinding supernova explosion.  Finally, a black hole remains where the star once sat in space. Ultimately, our Sun will never turn into a black hole because of its “small” size. Rather, stars must be at least 20 times the mass of our Sun to form a stellar black hole. Naturally, we have not directly seen a stellar black hole. However, we can monitor their effect on surrounding objects.  Astronomers can observe stars swirling rapidly around the black hole’s perimeter.  Finally, as the star draws nearer, we can observe the light emitted as the black hole devours it, releasing tremendous energy and radiation. #3 Supermassive Black Holes Supermassive black holes sit ominously at the center of most galaxies.  Actually, our own Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its heart, called Sagittarius A* (pronounced Sagittarius A Star).  Currently, we know very little about how these objects form. But, it is widely thought that they form at the same time as their host galaxy. As galaxies form, unfathomable amounts of gas and debris swirl around.  Similar to a large star’s collapse, the gas cloud’s mass, gravity, and density come crashing down. The result is believed to be a supermassive black hole.

What Causes Antimatter in the Milky Way?

What Causes Antimatter in the Milky Way?

This is about antimatter in the Milky Way. Astronomers find antimatter by detecting gamma-ray emissions.  But what causes those gamma-ray emissions? Let’s get started! What Causes Antimatter in the Milky Way? Since the infancy of our 13.8-billion-year-old universe, matter has had its counterpart, antimatter.  Identical in every single way to ordinary matter (protons, electrons, etc.), only with an opposite charge.  Yet, while our familiar normal matter drastically dominates the universe, antimatter still exists, even in our own galaxy.  But, what causes antimatter in the Milky Way? The Love-Hate History of Matter and Antimatter Firstly, as a backstory, only shortly after the big bang, matter and antimatter existed in equal amounts during our universe’s very young age.  Positively charged protons are produced in equal amounts as negatively charged antiprotons. And negative electrons equal to positive positrons, and so on. However, upon interacting, the counterparts instantly destroy each other, leaving behind only pure energy. Seems to be a fair fight, no? Actually, somewhere along with the universe’s early life, our now familiar and “normal” matter won, all but defeating its doppelgänger particles.  As a result, matter, as we know it, exists everywhere compared to meager amounts of antimatter.  Planets, galaxies, cars, people, it’s all made from normal matter, not antimatter. Fortunately, this allowed life and humans to exist in general. Gamma-Ray Emissions: Evidence of Antimatter in the Milky Way? Today, we detect antimatter in various places of the universe. In fact, surprisingly large amounts exist in our own Milky Way galaxy, especially toward the center or bulge.  But, what causes the antimatter in the Milky Way? Astronomers find antimatter in the Milky Way by detecting gamma-ray emissions.  Simply put, gamma rays are extremely powerful radiation, emitted when electrons and positrons (matter-antimatter opposites) destroy one another in very large quantities. Therefore, we know large quantities of antimatter must exist, especially toward the center of the Milky Way.  Could the supermassive black hole in our galaxy’s center be our culprit?  Or, does mysterious and unknown dark matter cause it? Could Antimatter in the Milky Way Come From White Dwarf Stars Merging? Recently, researchers from Australia began investigating white dwarf stars as potential causes of both positrons and gamma-ray emissions. When stars similar to our Sun’s mass die, they leave behind tiny hot core remnants called white dwarfs. In some cases, the mass transfer occurs in which gas gets passed between the two stars. Eventually, the two white dwarfs can even merge completely. The result, type IA supernova (pronounced “one A”) explosions generate loads of radioactive material, capable of decaying into none other than positrons.  More specifically, tremendous amounts of positrons, likely capable of explaining the large gamma-ray emissions. Alas, such supernovae are far rarer than the type II (type 2) supernova, caused by a large star’s core collapsing. Thus, proving white dwarf mergers indeed produce positron amounts needed to explain Milky Way gamma-ray emissions requires much deeper and sharper investigation. 

Are Humans Really Made of Stars?

Are Humans Really Made of Stars?

This is about that humans are made out of stars. It’s all from collapsing stars. So if you want to learn how it comes that humans are made of star stuff, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get right into it! All Humans Are Made Out of Stars The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. Carl Sagan Carl Sagan was, as always, correct. We, humans, are all made from stars.  That may sound like a pop music lyric or something a hippie would say, but it’s absolutely true.  Here’s the logic: #1 Star Fuel Stars’ (like our sun) run on fuel, just like our cars run on gasoline.  Star fuel is made by combining atoms. The extremely hot temperatures inside of a star make atoms move around very wildly and quickly.  The atoms move so quickly that they smash into each other and combine to form heavier elements. This process is called nuclear fusion.  Hydrogen atoms combine to form Helium atoms, Helium atoms combine to form Lithium, and so on.  Now, when our cars run out of gas, they simply stop moving. But, when a star runs out of fuel, it can no longer fight its own powerful gravity and collapse on itself.  The star’s outer shell collapses in on its core, and it explodes violently. We call this a Supernova. #2 Spread Out When this explosion happens, most of the elements that the star has created are blown out into the atmosphere.  All of these random elements spread out aimlessly in all directions and become things like planets, or galaxies, or … people. You see, since the very beginning of the universe, stars have been continually born, died, and reborn again. This endless cycle is what created everything we know in our universe.  And, since stars have been around for over 13 billion years, compared to humans’ 200 thousand year existence, they are like our ancestors. The next time you gaze up into the night sky, just think, one of those stars you see might have produced the elements that your body is made of.  You are, indeed, made of star-stuff.

Star Twins: Are All Stars Born in Pairs?

Star Twins: Are All Stars Born in Pairs?

This is whether all stars are born in pairs. If so, where’s the Sun’s twin? So if you want to know all about the theory that all stars have a twin star, then you’re in the right place. Without further ado, let’s do this! How Stars Are Born Every star forms deep in a molecular cloud.  Basically, areas of the cloud begin collecting more and more mass, causing incredibly dense lumps.  Ultimately, overpowered by its own newfound mass, gravity, and density, it collapses, and nuclear fusion ignites.  Now, stars, like our own Sun, are born! Are All Stars Born With a Twin? UC Berkley and Harvard evidence paints an unexpected new storyline in star birth.  Fully understanding stellar birth proves difficult, as only radio telescopes can see through thick molecular clouds.  Astronomers did just that, using the Very Large Array (VLA) to gaze deep into a molecular cloud in Perseus.  Using the resulting data, the team examined infant stars inside, like eggs. Surprisingly, the astronomers found that essentially all binary stars were only a few hundred thousand years old (the equivalent of an infant newborn in human terms).  Plus, most older stars were single.  Finally, older stars still in binary systems were found extremely close together. Great, what does this mean? Indeed, this indicates that nearly all stars are born with a twin, only to be separated at very early ages, hence the single elders.  Furthermore, this shows that older, more developed stars that remain binary pairs likely result from being pushed close together, permanently locked in one another’s gravity. If All Stars Are Born in Pairs, Where’s the Sun’s Twin? Naturally, this raises the question, “where is our twin, then?”  Our Sun likely had a twin sister, separated soon after the twins’ birth.  Now, our sibling is likely somewhere else entirely in our Milky Way galaxy. Occasionally, we experience such large-scale, almost poetic gestures from the universe.  Almost similar to emotional or biological experiences felt at our human level. But, these universal vulnerabilities remind we are interconnected with Nature.

What Is a Supernova?

What Is a Supernova in Simple Terms?

This is what a supernova is. Supernovas happen when stars run out of nuclear fuel to burn. So if you want to understand what a supernova is in simple terms, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! Supernovas Explained in Simple Terms Ask any astronomer which celestial event they most want to observe.  More than likely, all will quickly answer: “supernova!”  But, what is a supernova?  How do supernovae occur?  Are we in danger?  This article brings you everything you need to know about star explosions with Supernovas Explained: The Violent Explosive Death of a Star! Brief Explanation of How Stars Work Stars, like our Sun, are amazing gigantic factories in space.  Deep within their cores, stars are tremendously hot.  In fact, our Sun’s core is a sweltering 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.  Not to mention, under such intense conditions, strange things start happening, like nuclear fusion. Simply put, nuclear fusion is the fuel created and burned by stars.  Serving as stars’ lifeblood, fusion pushes powerful energy outward.  However, given their massive sizes, stars create tremendous gravity, constantly pushing in on themselves. Therefore, stars maintain a beautiful balance of pushing in and pushing out.  In fact, they maintain this symmetry for millions, billions, or even trillions of years. What Is a Supernova? Stars can live for millions, billions, or even trillions of years.  Actually, our Sun is nearly five billion years old and is only halfway through its life. But, unlike humans, when stars die, they explode violently in a supernova.  And, these cosmic explosions pack the equivalent of more than a million megatons of dynamite. What Causes a Supernova? Through nuclear fusion, stars pump incredible amounts of energy outward.  However, with their massive sizes, stars also create tremendous gravity, pushing back inward on themselves.  Therefore, stars maintain a fascinating balance of pushing in and pushing out.  Actually, this process, lasting for billions of years, is how stars stay alive. Eventually, stars run out of nuclear fuel to burn. Therefore, they no longer push energy outward.  As a result, gravity easily wins, collapsing all of a star’s power and mass in on itself. Now, the entire mass of the star is crushed down into an extremely small space.  Density and pressure become unimaginable. As a result, this smashed, tightly packed material explodes like a gigantic nuclear bomb.  In fact, this is truly a nuclear bomb, called a supernova. How Often Do Supernovae Occur? Actually, supernovae are constantly happening throughout the universe.  After all, there are unfathomable amounts of stars in our universe.  Therefore, the odds of one exploding are very high.  But, how often do stars explode in our Milky Way galaxy? Well, though nobody can know for sure, a supernova within our galaxy is most likely to occur once every 50 years.  However, even our own galaxy is incredibly large.  Therefore, even a supernova within the Milky Way can easily be too far away to see. Astronomers constantly monitor the stars around us.  Furthermore, they keep tabs on the stars that are most likely to “go supernova” next.  What Would a Supernova Look Like From Earth? The year 1054 supernova leftover: Crab Nebula. Supernovae explosions are among the universe’s most violent events.  Packing the power of millions of volcanoes or dynamite, they are anything but small.  But can humans actually see a supernova? Indeed, mankind has observed many supernovae throughout history.  In fact, during the year 1054, multiple civilizations documented a supernova explosion.  Most writings noted a bright new planet that suddenly appeared in the sky.  Ultimately, the infamous explosion left behind the Crab Nebula, one of astronomy’s most recognized objects. In fact, if a supernova occurred nearby today, it would be among the brightest objects in the sky.  Only the full Moon would outshine the explosion.  Actually, a supernova would even shine brightly in our daytime sky for several days or even weeks. Are We in Danger of a Supernova? The most likely next supernova candidate of the Milky Way is IK Pegasi. Simply put, no.  A star would need to explode within 30 to 50 light-years to jeopardize Earth. Fortunately, no stars even remotely close to such distances are prime to explode any time soon.  In fact, the most likely bomb candidate, IK Pegasi, is a safe 150 light-years away.  And, at such distances, we would see the spectacular celestial object, but avoid virtually all danger. However, were a star 30 light-years away to explode, Earth would be in major danger.  Some, or all, of our ozone layer, would disintegrate, leaving us vulnerable to lethal radiation from our Sun. Not to mention, phytoplankton and other aquatic food chain staples would completely parish.  Ultimately, our ocean life and primary food chain would die off, creating massive evolutionary problems. Plus, essential gases in our atmosphere, like nitrogen and oxygen, would likely be ionized by bombarding radiation.  Eventually, this would cause obvious dangers to most living organisms. Alas, Earth seems to be quite safe from supernovae for several million or billions of years.  Yet, hopefully, we will experience a supernova from a safe distance.  After all, this would be one of the most notable sights in recent human history.

The Hottest Place in the Universe.

The Hottest Place in the Universe

This is about the hottest place in the universe. It has 540 million degrees Fahrenheit—the Sun has 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. So if you want to know where the hottest place in the universe is, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! The Hottest Place in the Universe Indeed, our own planet, Earth, hosts some truly extreme environments. For instance, Death Valley in California currently holds the record of 134º Fahrenheit.  But, tiny Earth is a mere blip on the overall cosmic radar.  Distant locations across the universe host environments that are truly unimaginable to human beings.  The hottest planet is 870º F. But, where is the hottest place in the universe? Let’s take a look: The Hottest Place in the Universe Surrounding a Galaxy Cluster X-ray telescopes aboard a Japanese spacecraft called Suzaku located the current record-holder. Over five billion light-years away, in the constellation Virgo, a cluster of galaxies sits bunched together.  And surrounding the galaxies is a fiery-hot cloud of gas.  In fact, the cloud’s temperatures reach a staggering 540 million degrees Fahrenheit (300 million Celsius). By comparison, our extremely hot Sun only reaches 27 million degrees, even deep within its core.  Plus, in our article about supernovae, we explained the process of nuclear fusion.  And, if our Sun’s measly temperatures can kick off wild phenomena like fusion, imagine what can happen at these sweltering temps. The extreme temperature findings were the result of multiple combined sources.  The Japanese images, along with photos from NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, delivered the record-breaking gas. Actually, a 450,000 light-year region contains the burning gas. In other words, tiny compared to the overall galaxy cluster’s five million light-year width. Zooming through space at 2,500 miles per second, massive galaxy collisions are a recipe for true chaos.  Tokyo University of Science professor Naomi Ota claims galaxy cluster collisions produce the highest energy since the big bang. Further reading and breathtaking photos of galaxy collisions can be found all over NASA’s official website.  Hubble has also collected several amazing images of galaxies colliding, like the one shown here. What causes this hottest place in the universe? Currently, astronomers are unsure exactly why this region is so hot.  However, this galaxy cluster has likely seen multiple collisions with other clusters. Therefore, the energy and heat.