Are Humans Really Made of Stars?

Are Humans Really Made of Stars?

This is about that humans are made out of stars. It’s all from collapsing stars. So if you want to learn how it comes that humans are made of star stuff, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get right into it! All Humans Are Made Out of Stars The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. Carl Sagan Carl Sagan was, as always, correct. We, humans, are all made from stars.  That may sound like a pop music lyric or something a hippie would say, but it’s absolutely true.  Here’s the logic: #1 Star Fuel Stars’ (like our sun) run on fuel, just like our cars run on gasoline.  Star fuel is made by combining atoms. The extremely hot temperatures inside of a star make atoms move around very wildly and quickly.  The atoms move so quickly that they smash into each other and combine to form heavier elements. This process is called nuclear fusion.  Hydrogen atoms combine to form Helium atoms, Helium atoms combine to form Lithium, and so on.  Now, when our cars run out of gas, they simply stop moving. But, when a star runs out of fuel, it can no longer fight its own powerful gravity and collapse on itself.  The star’s outer shell collapses in on its core, and it explodes violently. We call this a Supernova. #2 Spread Out When this explosion happens, most of the elements that the star has created are blown out into the atmosphere.  All of these random elements spread out aimlessly in all directions and become things like planets, or galaxies, or … people. You see, since the very beginning of the universe, stars have been continually born, died, and reborn again. This endless cycle is what created everything we know in our universe.  And, since stars have been around for over 13 billion years, compared to humans’ 200 thousand year existence, they are like our ancestors. The next time you gaze up into the night sky, just think, one of those stars you see might have produced the elements that your body is made of.  You are, indeed, made of star-stuff.

Star Twins: Are All Stars Born in Pairs?

Star Twins: Are All Stars Born in Pairs?

This is whether all stars are born in pairs. If so, where’s the Sun’s twin? So if you want to know all about the theory that all stars have a twin star, then you’re in the right place. Without further ado, let’s do this! How Stars Are Born Every star forms deep in a molecular cloud.  Basically, areas of the cloud begin collecting more and more mass, causing incredibly dense lumps.  Ultimately, overpowered by its own newfound mass, gravity, and density, it collapses, and nuclear fusion ignites.  Now, stars, like our own Sun, are born! Are All Stars Born With a Twin? UC Berkley and Harvard evidence paints an unexpected new storyline in star birth.  Fully understanding stellar birth proves difficult, as only radio telescopes can see through thick molecular clouds.  Astronomers did just that, using the Very Large Array (VLA) to gaze deep into a molecular cloud in Perseus.  Using the resulting data, the team examined infant stars inside, like eggs. Surprisingly, the astronomers found that essentially all binary stars were only a few hundred thousand years old (the equivalent of an infant newborn in human terms).  Plus, most older stars were single.  Finally, older stars still in binary systems were found extremely close together. Great, what does this mean? Indeed, this indicates that nearly all stars are born with a twin, only to be separated at very early ages, hence the single elders.  Furthermore, this shows that older, more developed stars that remain binary pairs likely result from being pushed close together, permanently locked in one another’s gravity. If All Stars Are Born in Pairs, Where’s the Sun’s Twin? Naturally, this raises the question, “where is our twin, then?”  Our Sun likely had a twin sister, separated soon after the twins’ birth.  Now, our sibling is likely somewhere else entirely in our Milky Way galaxy. Occasionally, we experience such large-scale, almost poetic gestures from the universe.  Almost similar to emotional or biological experiences felt at our human level. But, these universal vulnerabilities remind we are interconnected with Nature.

What Is a Supernova?

What Is a Supernova in Simple Terms?

This is what a supernova is. Supernovas happen when stars run out of nuclear fuel to burn. So if you want to understand what a supernova is in simple terms, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! Supernovas Explained in Simple Terms Ask any astronomer which celestial event they most want to observe.  More than likely, all will quickly answer: “supernova!”  But, what is a supernova?  How do supernovae occur?  Are we in danger?  This article brings you everything you need to know about star explosions with Supernovas Explained: The Violent Explosive Death of a Star! Brief Explanation of How Stars Work Stars, like our Sun, are amazing gigantic factories in space.  Deep within their cores, stars are tremendously hot.  In fact, our Sun’s core is a sweltering 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.  Not to mention, under such intense conditions, strange things start happening, like nuclear fusion. Simply put, nuclear fusion is the fuel created and burned by stars.  Serving as stars’ lifeblood, fusion pushes powerful energy outward.  However, given their massive sizes, stars create tremendous gravity, constantly pushing in on themselves. Therefore, stars maintain a beautiful balance of pushing in and pushing out.  In fact, they maintain this symmetry for millions, billions, or even trillions of years. What Is a Supernova? Stars can live for millions, billions, or even trillions of years.  Actually, our Sun is nearly five billion years old and is only halfway through its life. But, unlike humans, when stars die, they explode violently in a supernova.  And, these cosmic explosions pack the equivalent of more than a million megatons of dynamite. What Causes a Supernova? Through nuclear fusion, stars pump incredible amounts of energy outward.  However, with their massive sizes, stars also create tremendous gravity, pushing back inward on themselves.  Therefore, stars maintain a fascinating balance of pushing in and pushing out.  Actually, this process, lasting for billions of years, is how stars stay alive. Eventually, stars run out of nuclear fuel to burn. Therefore, they no longer push energy outward.  As a result, gravity easily wins, collapsing all of a star’s power and mass in on itself. Now, the entire mass of the star is crushed down into an extremely small space.  Density and pressure become unimaginable. As a result, this smashed, tightly packed material explodes like a gigantic nuclear bomb.  In fact, this is truly a nuclear bomb, called a supernova. How Often Do Supernovae Occur? Actually, supernovae are constantly happening throughout the universe.  After all, there are unfathomable amounts of stars in our universe.  Therefore, the odds of one exploding are very high.  But, how often do stars explode in our Milky Way galaxy? Well, though nobody can know for sure, a supernova within our galaxy is most likely to occur once every 50 years.  However, even our own galaxy is incredibly large.  Therefore, even a supernova within the Milky Way can easily be too far away to see. Astronomers constantly monitor the stars around us.  Furthermore, they keep tabs on the stars that are most likely to “go supernova” next.  What Would a Supernova Look Like From Earth? The year 1054 supernova leftover: Crab Nebula. Supernovae explosions are among the universe’s most violent events.  Packing the power of millions of volcanoes or dynamite, they are anything but small.  But can humans actually see a supernova? Indeed, mankind has observed many supernovae throughout history.  In fact, during the year 1054, multiple civilizations documented a supernova explosion.  Most writings noted a bright new planet that suddenly appeared in the sky.  Ultimately, the infamous explosion left behind the Crab Nebula, one of astronomy’s most recognized objects. In fact, if a supernova occurred nearby today, it would be among the brightest objects in the sky.  Only the full Moon would outshine the explosion.  Actually, a supernova would even shine brightly in our daytime sky for several days or even weeks. Are We in Danger of a Supernova? The most likely next supernova candidate of the Milky Way is IK Pegasi. Simply put, no.  A star would need to explode within 30 to 50 light-years to jeopardize Earth. Fortunately, no stars even remotely close to such distances are prime to explode any time soon.  In fact, the most likely bomb candidate, IK Pegasi, is a safe 150 light-years away.  And, at such distances, we would see the spectacular celestial object, but avoid virtually all danger. However, were a star 30 light-years away to explode, Earth would be in major danger.  Some, or all, of our ozone layer, would disintegrate, leaving us vulnerable to lethal radiation from our Sun. Not to mention, phytoplankton and other aquatic food chain staples would completely parish.  Ultimately, our ocean life and primary food chain would die off, creating massive evolutionary problems. Plus, essential gases in our atmosphere, like nitrogen and oxygen, would likely be ionized by bombarding radiation.  Eventually, this would cause obvious dangers to most living organisms. Alas, Earth seems to be quite safe from supernovae for several million or billions of years.  Yet, hopefully, we will experience a supernova from a safe distance.  After all, this would be one of the most notable sights in recent human history.

The Hottest Place in the Universe.

The Hottest Place in the Universe

This is about the hottest place in the universe. It has 540 million degrees Fahrenheit—the Sun has 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. So if you want to know where the hottest place in the universe is, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! The Hottest Place in the Universe Indeed, our own planet, Earth, hosts some truly extreme environments. For instance, Death Valley in California currently holds the record of 134º Fahrenheit.  But, tiny Earth is a mere blip on the overall cosmic radar.  Distant locations across the universe host environments that are truly unimaginable to human beings.  The hottest planet is 870º F. But, where is the hottest place in the universe? Let’s take a look: The Hottest Place in the Universe Surrounding a Galaxy Cluster X-ray telescopes aboard a Japanese spacecraft called Suzaku located the current record-holder. Over five billion light-years away, in the constellation Virgo, a cluster of galaxies sits bunched together.  And surrounding the galaxies is a fiery-hot cloud of gas.  In fact, the cloud’s temperatures reach a staggering 540 million degrees Fahrenheit (300 million Celsius). By comparison, our extremely hot Sun only reaches 27 million degrees, even deep within its core.  Plus, in our article about supernovae, we explained the process of nuclear fusion.  And, if our Sun’s measly temperatures can kick off wild phenomena like fusion, imagine what can happen at these sweltering temps. The extreme temperature findings were the result of multiple combined sources.  The Japanese images, along with photos from NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, delivered the record-breaking gas. Actually, a 450,000 light-year region contains the burning gas. In other words, tiny compared to the overall galaxy cluster’s five million light-year width. Zooming through space at 2,500 miles per second, massive galaxy collisions are a recipe for true chaos.  Tokyo University of Science professor Naomi Ota claims galaxy cluster collisions produce the highest energy since the big bang. Further reading and breathtaking photos of galaxy collisions can be found all over NASA’s official website.  Hubble has also collected several amazing images of galaxies colliding, like the one shown here. What causes this hottest place in the universe? Currently, astronomers are unsure exactly why this region is so hot.  However, this galaxy cluster has likely seen multiple collisions with other clusters. Therefore, the energy and heat.

5 Reasons to Enjoy the Great Outdoors.

5 Reasons to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Here are 5 reasons to enjoy the great outdoors. From nebulae to connectivity to the big whole. Learn 5 reasons why you should enjoy the great outdoors. Keep reading! Why to Enjoy the Great Outdoors Especially during summers, I am rarely found in city limits.  In fact, being disconnected, or “off the grid,” if you wish, is among my favorite pastimes.  But, as I stood in pure darkness during Saturday’s final hours, admiring the Milky Way jutting up from the Rocky Mountains, I began thinking.  Without further ado, here are my five reasons to enjoy the great outdoors. Quick Disclaimer First of all, I should point out some important factors: While I do camp, I most often do not “rough it.” Instead, I abuse the luxuries of a distant but comfortable cabin situation. I live full-time in a large US city, but my most frequented nature site lies far beyond city limits. Based on radiance and light pollution data from, my nature site is 0.1% of my house’s light pollution. In other words, I enjoy truly dark skies. Therefore, I merely want to point out that I have easy access to completely dark skies.  Furthermore, I do not believe one needs to go all survivalist and eat bugs and berries to fully enjoy nature.  No, simply getting away from skyscrapers and streetlights will work wonders. #1 Nebulae Exiting the concrete and artificial light jungle isn’t simply cathartic for one’s mind and soul. Rather, it also reveals an entirely next-level canvas of light otherwise obscured from human eyes. Firstly, distant and dim stars reveal themselves in rural regions. In fact, city skies pale in comparison by factors of hundreds, if not thousands, to those of dark, rural areas. Then, suddenly, amateur telescope targets become visible with only the eye. For instance, easily among the top 10 objects of backyard astronomers, Orion is a treasure trove of celestial objects.  However, spotting the infamous Great Nebula in Orion under dark skies is accomplished by locating the mythological hunter’s belt. Now, directly under the belt, a prominent smudge readily appears. In fact, the above image clearly reveals such wonders. All though, like all distant cosmic wonders, objects remain faint and colorless.  Picture from Hubble and other billion-dollar optics will never be achieved by the common astronomer. #2 Stars Gazing up at city night skies returns a black canvas with stars speckled about. But, underneath truly dark skies, thousands of stars emerge. In fact, stepping outside and looking up can even be slightly jarring in rural zones. All of a sudden, hundreds of stars now appear. Actually, this sensation closely resembles the initial 10 seconds of a planetarium show. Not to mention, should you dabble in night photography at all, you now have visual access to legions of previously unseen stars. #3 Milky Way From grade school on, most of us see pictures of our own Milky Way galaxy. Swirling spiral arms host billions of stars. However, many of us don’t know that simply stepping out of the city reveals our galaxy.  Indeed, dark country skies reveal the Milky Way’s majestic arm, spanning north to south.  Best of all, no camera or equipment is necessary. Instead, human eyes clearly see a magical faint cosmic dust, like a heavenly arch soaring across our skies. #4 Simplicity Our lives are governed by arguably unimportant things. Indeed, Netflix, paychecks, schedules, and the like play significant roles in our every day.  However, in the grand scheme, these things are completely unnecessary to life.  Sure, I’m as guilty as the next guy or gal and truly exploit all said amenities. But, outdoors, an entirely different experience awaits us. For instance, prior to outdoor excursions, I handwrite objects I most want to view.  Finally, when beyond the internet’s grasp, I wait to observe. Even if I wanted to, I could not speed up nature’s clock. After all, our universe has no DVR function. Simply put, I have no choice but to wait for our Sun to set, use a compass or map to navigate my sky, and manually seek my desired targets. Overall, this teaches me true patience. Plus, it reaffirms that I do not call the shots.  Instead, our universe tells me when, where and how I am able to enjoy her beauty.  In fact, it’s almost as though I am following the universe’s orders and must obey them. Otherwise, I will not see what I wish to see. #5 Connectivity If you read above (see #4), you understand that our universe dictates how we perceive her.  However, perhaps my favorite part of this is that I am not merely a subordinate obeying her laws. Instead, I am part of her process. As I’ve said, we humans will always strive to understand the universe we live in. As a result, we pine over learning about the cosmos via our eyes and sight. Therefore, we wait for darkness to fall, prepare and seek optical targets to achieve such learning. But, we must wait for our home star, the Sun, to set. Then, we must know when, where and why we wish to observe.  Finally, we enjoy the satisfaction of taking in these learnings, often for mere seconds. These are all cycles of our universe. Whether distant or relatively near, we follow the universe’s patterns to witness these events.  And, we follow these patterns to know more about the universe, which ultimately tells us more about ourselves. You see, we are part of the patterns. Rises, sets, appearances, disappearances, we all share them.  Therefore, observing them and experiencing them automatically bakes us into the whole process. Ultimately, this process binds everything we know together. For instance, while taking photos, deer were using the same darkness to feed on plant life near our cabin.  In a sense, I shared the same timeline to achieve my own goals as the deer. In fact, we both saw the same sky, only under slightly different contexts. Truly, this experience is magnified by hundreds under dark skies. After all, could I …

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How Do We Know Black Holes Exist?

How Do We Know Black Holes Exist?

Black holes are objects in space with gravity and density so strong that even light cannot escape their grasp. Hence, the fitting name, black hole.  Naturally, you might be asking yourself, “how do we know black holes exist?”  After all, how do you “see” something that emits no light? Without any visible light, our human eyes cannot see black holes.  However, we can zero in on a black hole by watching how their powerful gravity affects things––stars, gases––around them. For instance, a black hole’s powerful gravity would suck in gases from a nearby star.  As the gases get sucked in faster and faster, it heats up tremendously, emitting radiation, like X-rays. So we humans do have the ability to “see” X-rays by way of modern technology. Plus, when large objects, like stars, approach the black hole, their orbiting speed changes.  Scientists can observe and measure these speeds, helping them creating “chalk outlines” of where the black hole should be. Currently, our hard evidence remains technically inconclusive. So how do we know black holes exist?  By observing their impact on surrounding matter and advanced technology, humans are getting closer to confirming that black holes really exist.

Blinking Eye Nebula: Fascinating Facts (NGC 6826).

Blinking Eye Nebula: Fascinating Facts (NGC 6826)

This is about the Blinking Eye Nebula NGC 6826. It’s located approximately 2,000 light-years from Earth. So if you want to learn more about the Blinking Eye Nebula, then you’re in the right place. Let’s dig right in! What Is the Blinking Eye Nebula? NGC 6826, the Blinking Eye Nebula, is a planetary nebula.  Contrary to what you may be thinking, this has nothing at all to do with a planet.  A planetary nebula happens when a star runs out of its nuclear fuel. As a result, it can no longer fight gravity and collapses in on itself. That causes it to shed its outer layers, and they float away from the star out into space.  As the name denotes, this often causes a sphere or ring shape of star matter, resembling a planet. That is what we see in NGC 6826, with the green outer sphere and the bright leftover star directly in the middle. NGC 6826 – The Blinking Eye Nebula In fact, our own Sun, when it dies, will go through a similar process and create something magical looking. It takes a star much larger and more massive to more or less skip the planetary nebula step and violently explode in a supernova. NGC 6826 is located approximately 2,000 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Cygnus, the swan.  The nebula is only around 0.2 light-years in diameter.  I say “only,” but this diameter still equates to more than 1.1 trillion miles, which is small in cosmic terms.  Ultimately, the beautiful colors and shapes will likely continue floating out for 10 thousand years.  Believe it or not, this is also short, compared to the billions of years or more than a star can live. NGC 6826’s Appearance First, as you can see in the photo above, NGC 6826 is a large green cloud surrounding the remaining leftover star.  On each end are two bright red fliers.  Actually, you notice two green spheres. That is because the extremely hot leftover star in the center pushes out a scorching wind. This hot wind blows the former star’s matter away and leaves the noticeable empty bubble around itself.  As this green gas is pushed outward, it bumps into the gas that is farther out and reacts, hence the two green clouds. Next are the beautiful red flares on both sides. These are called fliers (Fast Low-Ionization Emission Region).  Fliers are essentially sections of gas emissions, commonly seen in planetary nebulae that move much faster than the rest of the material.  In fact, they are moving at supersonic speeds. Scientists believe flier’s rapid speeds indicate that they are much younger than the rest of the nebula’s materials.

What is a Black Hole for Dummies?

What is a Black Hole in Simple Terms?

This is about black holes. Black holes are leftovers from massive dying stars. So if you want to know what a black hole is in detail, then this article is for you. Let’s jump right in! Black Holes Are Dying Stars A black hole is formed from a dying star. But, not just any star. It has to be massive. At least 20 times the mass of our Sun, which is already enormous.  As the star goes through the process of its violent death, all of its material is crushed down so tightly that processes and physics, as we know them, break down and no longer make sense.  The density, mass, and gravity in this space are now so devastatingly strong that nothing can escape, not even light itself. Hence, the name, black hole. As complex and mysterious as this process is, it’s relatively simple to understand at a very high overall view.  Let’s check it out! Nuclear Fusion During a star’s long life, it lives off of fuel that it creates by itself. Very green, right?!  Stars create this fuel through a process called Nuclear Fusion.  The environment inside of a star is hot and extreme, and its internal molecules move around recklessly at rapid speeds.  As the molecules bounce around, they smash into each other.  Normally, molecules have tremendously strong protective forces to prevent themselves from combining with one another, known in science as the strong nuclear force.  However, under the extreme conditions in a star, the molecule’s forces are overcome, and molecules begin to collide and join together to create heavier elements.  Hydrogen combines to form Helium, Helium eventually combines to create Oxygen, and so on. This is the process of nuclear fusion (the NUCLEUS of the atoms is FUSING … get it?). When these atoms fuse together, they are now carrying extra energy and become very unstable, and do not know what to do with it.  So, they shed this newfound energy by emitting it as powerful radiation. Because of this emitted radiation, we have to be cautious of the dangerous light coming from our Sun on a bright summer day. This is the leftover energy coming from our Sun, a star, as it burns its fuel. A Dying Star As the star creates and burns its nuclear fuel, it creates constant, powerful energy flowing outward.  But, since stars are also extremely large and massive, they also cause extremely strong gravity pushing inward on themselves.  So, a star constantly keeps its structure and stays alive by fighting its own inward gravity with its own outward energy. Eventually, the star runs out of molecules to turn into nuclear fuel, and the trouble begins.  The fuel is now all gone, and gravity still remains the same and begins to win.  The tremendous weight of the star collapses inward on itself at near-light speeds and creates a devastating explosion called a Super Nova.  The star’s shell is blown off, and all of its remaining mass crushes down on the star’s core.  The leftover star material is all crammed into a remarkably small space that is densely compacted beyond what our human brains can comprehend. This is a black hole. The Anatomy of a Black Hole Event Horizon The event horizon is where the black hole begins. This is the front door of the black hole if you will.  Our picture shows a cone-like structure, which is made up to simply help you understand this concept.  Astronomers actually believe that a black hole has no actual structure and the event horizon happens in all directions, like a sphere. Beyond the event horizon, the mass, pressure, density, gravity, and everything else are so strong that nothing can ever escape again, including light itself. This is why we call it a black hole.  So, as the black hole sucks in the nearby matter, it is pulled across its event horizon and never to be seen again.  Of course, with its immense gravity, entire stars and even galaxies can be sucked in and destroyed! Singularity The singularity of a black hole is where all of its material eventually comes to a single point.  Remember earlier when we said all of the dying star’s matter was crushed into a tiny space? Well, that was extreme.  But, now, all of the matter inside of the black hole eventually gets smashed down into a microscopic pin point. That’s even more extreme.  So extreme that, as humans, we can’t actually comprehend this. All of our astronomy and physics that we have learned for hundreds of years completely fall apart now, and nothing we know makes any sense.  Since, for obvious reasons, astronauts can’t go inside of a black hole to explore and learn, we know very little about the singularity. This has, and will continue to be, one of the most sought-after answers in astronomy and science. How Do We Find Black Holes? You might be naturally wondering if light can’t escape, then how do we know a black hole is there? And, this is a great question!  Astronomers are able to spot these invisible objects in several ways. First, we can observe how matter and objects behave around the black hole to pinpoint its existence and location.  Due to its strong forces, stars, gases, and other objects around the black hole begin moving very fast and chaotically.  Astronomers observe single locations where they believe a black hole lies and monitor the surroundings for years, observing the changes. Black holes periodically feed on surrounding materials. While they are eating, massive amounts of energy shoot out as they digest their food.  Scientists can use these cosmic dinner times to detect and study the energy given off from the food. It most commonly emits x-rays that we can detect using special telescopes on Earth. Teams of scientists have constantly observing a black hole named Sagittarius A* (pronounced Sagittarius A Star) right in the middle of our own Milky Way Galaxy.  In fact, it’s now widely believed that there are massive black holes in the centers of nearly all galaxies. There’s no need to worry. …

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10 Fascinating Facts About the Universe.

10 Fascinating Facts About the Universe

These are 10 fascinating facts about the universe. From the accidental you to that 94% of everything is invisible matter and energy. So if you want to learn 10 neat facts about our universe, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started! 10 Fascinating Facts About Our Universe Wanna feel small, humbled, and completely mentally mystified?  Here are 10 fascinating facts about space to make you rethink your existence. #1 The Random, Accidental … You Currently, you’re sitting on a very tiny blue dot, floating randomly in space.  Furthermore, a mysterious, invisible phenomenon called gravity is the only thing keeping you glued to the dot. Billions of years ago, random stars in space exploded, creating trillions of random atoms, like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon.  Then, these atoms blasted outward into space, traveling billions of miles per hour in all directions. At last, some of these atoms randomly arrived at the same place, at the same time in space.  Now, the atoms gradually combined, linking together in random combinations.  Ultimately, random atomic combinations created living organisms.  Finally, simple organisms evolved into complex … you, sitting here, reading this article. #2 The Weird Stuff Making up … You? Guess what?  Nearly all atoms making up your body were created from exploding stars.  In fact, your body has around 7 octillion atoms or 7 followed by 27 zeros. Finally, did you know you’re actually ancient?  Indeed, any atom inside your body was created several billion years ago. #3 How Big Is the Universe? Firstly, there is our observable universe, the parts we can actually see.  However, they may be another universe altogether, or possibly millions, or infinite universes. But, our universe is big. How big?  Actually, current models tell us the universe measures around 93 light-years across.  As a refresher, a light-year is the distance light can travel in one Earth year, or around 5.8 trillion miles. Therefore, our universe is at least 550 sextillion miles wide. In other words, 550 followed by 21 zeros. #4 Our Average, Insignificant Star Comprising over 99% of our solar system’s total mass, our Sun is truly our main cosmic attraction.  In fact, without our star, life on Earth would never be possible. But, universe-wide, our Sun proves quite boring and insignificant. In fact, our Sun is one of at least 100 billion stars. Ready for the real bombshell?  Actually, that’s at least 100 billion just in our home Milky Way galaxy. #5 How About All the Other Stars? Simply put, nobody knows how many stars exist in our universe.  Furthermore, any numeric figure of stars is admittedly a pure guess, a true stab in the dark. First, roughly 10 trillion galaxies exist. Plus, galaxies have an estimated average of 100 billion stars, based on our own Milky Way. This leaves us with an estimated one septillion stars. In other words, a 1 followed by 24 zeros. #6 Humans Can Look Back in Time Nothing in our universe travels faster than light. It’s our cosmic speed limit.  However, even light does take time to reach its destination. Especially when traveling extremely long distances through space. As a result, once the light from distant objects touches human eyes on Earth, we see how they appeared in the past. Trippy, right? For instance, the popular backyard telescope target Andromeda Galaxy lies 2.5 million light-years away.  In other words, its light took 2.5 million years to reach your eyes on Earth.  Therefore, while observing Andromeda through your telescope, you are actually observing how it looked 2.5 million years ago. Actually, even looking at our Sun (not directly, of course!) shows you how it appeared eight minutes ago. #7 The Eerie Magic of Quantum Entanglement Mysteriously, atoms may become paired or entangled.  Simply put, no matter what happens or where they travel, paired atoms’ bond is truly unbreakable. But, how unbreakable? Actually, science has proven countless times that an atom’s quantum entanglement is broken by literally nothing.  In fact, even separated by billions of miles, atoms still affect one another.  Indeed, even from separate ends of our universe, atom one’s actions affect its twin, atom two. Finally, said effect occurs instantaneously. In fact, this twin bond effect is the only thing know to be faster than light speed. #8 Fastest spinnin’ star this side of the universe When certain stars die, they collapse into much smaller, dense balls, called neutron stars.  In fact, an entire star becomes jammed into tiny, 12-mile-wide balls. Now, tremendous energy blasts outward from twin jets.  As a result, the star twirls like a soda bottle with poked holes, swirling in a bathtub. However, neutron stars spin much faster. In fact, some neutron stars spin up to 600 times in a single second.  In other words, imagine all of Manhattan rotating 600 times in one second. #9 How Powerful Is Our Sun? In our lives, we’ve all been curious about the Sun. After all, it shines above us each day of our lives. But, how much power does the Sun generate?  Actually, in one hour, our Sun could power 2.8 quadrillion light bulbs.  In other words, each person on planet Earth could have over 400 thousand light bulbs, and one hour of our Sun could power them. #10 We Live in an Invisible Universe Think about everything we know:  Family Cars Animals Computers Everything Actually, only 4% of our universe is made of this stuff we know.  In fact, the remaining 96% is invisible matter and energy, called dark matter and dark energy. Even more spooky, we have zero clues what this stuff is. These articles explain dark matter and dark energy.

10 Fascinating Facts About Polaris.

10 Fascinating Facts About Polaris (The North Star)

These are 10 fascinating facts about Polaris, the so-called North Star. From that Polaris won’t be the North Star forever to that it’s 2,500 times brighter than the Sun. So if you want to learn 10 fascinating facts about Polaris, then you’re in the right place. Let’s dig right in! About 10 Polaris Facts Similar to Hollywood, the night sky is loaded with stars. And, some stars are more famous than others.  Polaris, known formally as Alpha Ursae Minoris, is possibly the most famous star.  Now, you may know this star more commonly as the “north star.” But, you may not know all of the interesting facts this bright hydrogen factory has to offer. #1 Polaris Really Is the North Star Our Earth spins on an axis. And, Earth’s north axis points out, 2.5-quadrillion-miles away to Polaris.  Because of this, Polaris always stays fixed directly to the North of our night sky.  Actually, Polaris has been our north star, or “pole star,” for thousands of years. #2 Polaris Won’t Always Be the North Star Spin a toy top, and you will notice that it spins in a wobbling cone-like shape.  Earth spins in a similar shape along its axis. But, Earth is huge!  Due to its massive size, it takes nearly 26,000 years to complete one axis spin. So, Polaris is currently on a 26,000-year reign of the north star title. #3 Winner of Best and Brightest Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor, Latin for “lesser bear.”  You might recognize Ursa Minor more easily as the little dipper.  However, the little dipper, while quite recognizable, is not a true constellation. We call these almost-constellations asterisms. #4 The THREE North Stars? Polaris is not simply a single star. Rather, it is a complex system containing three stars.  Polaris A (alpha), circled by two smaller, dimmer companions locked in the massive star’s gravity, is the brightest by far. #5 Separated Siblings The Polaris system (mentioned above in #7) contains three stars, Polaris A, Polaris Ab, and Polaris B.  Now, when we hear “system,” we naturally think of close-knit objects. However, space is vast.  Actually, Polaris A’s closest neighbor, Polaris Ab sits 2-billion-miles away. And, the third star, Polaris B orbits 240-billion-miles away. #6 Wait, the FIVE North Stars!? As mentioned in #7, our north star, Polaris, is actually a three-star system.  However, recent observations indicate that two more distant stars may be part of the Polaris system’s gravity.  And, if confirmed, we technically have not one but five north stars. #7 Before Google Maps, There Was Polaris Earth’s axis has been pointed directly at Polaris for around 2,000 years.  Although only seen from the northern hemisphere, the star has been a universal guide for centuries.  Past civilizations have relied on- and survived because of its precise location. Thanks, Polaris! #8 There Is No “South Star” Coincidentally, Earth is currently pointed directly at Polaris. Now, Earth, of course, does have a southern side to its axis.  However, there are currently no stars in its crosshairs. But, one star, known as Sigma Octans, lies one degree from such a location. So, it is likely that in the future, a south star will emerge. #9 Far Brighter Than Our Sun Even at a staggering 433 light-years, Polaris shines bright in our sky at magnitude 1.97. Actually, the north star is 2,500 times brighter than our own star, the Sun.  If Polaris were our solar system’s star, the radiation and brightness would be so intense that most complex life could not exist.  Fortunately, its drastic distance makes it a brilliant compass, not a lethal weapon. #10 The Closest Cepheid Variable to Earth Cepheid variable stars pulsate at fixed rates. And, as they pulsate, their diameter changes, often by millions of miles.  And, even at its extreme cosmic distance of 433 light-years, Polaris is currently the closest cepheid variable to Earth.  Plus, this star type is commonly used to calculate distances by observing their change in brightness accurately. So once again, Polaris serves as a fantastic space navigator! FAQ – Polaris’ Location as Seen From Earth We’ve received several questions/comments pertaining to Polaris’ location, as seen from Earth.  Primarily, people wonder why Polaris is the “North Star,” yet, it tends to appear mid-sky, as opposed to directly above.This is a fantastic question.  I, personally, long-pondered the very same thing. You see, Polaris is precisely aligned with the northern point of Earth’s axis.  Plus, Earth’s axis is not always directly “north” from where you are. This is very important to keep in mind.  From the North Pole, Polaris would appear at a neck-straining 90º, because Earth’s axis points directly above.  However, from lower longitudes, like the US, you are at different angles in relation to Earth’s axis. So, Polaris will actually appear at more mid-sky altitudes, usually between 30-40º. When we are not directly aligned from the North Pole, Earth itself obstructs our view of Polaris. As shown in the diagram below, being at latitudes closer to the equator allow more shallow-angled views of the north star. Polaris is over 2.5 quadrillion miles away, so moving mere thousands of miles on Earth should not make a difference, right? But, actually, it makes a tremendous difference. Geometry does not change, nor care where we are. Overall, viewing the north star from lower longitudes will always cause it to appear lower in the sky.